Chapter Ten

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My mother ran to me interrupting my thoughts and gave me a hug. She went to Kyle and violet eyes to thank them and give them hugs also, I turned to the police officer. "Thank you so much. That man he would have killed us. He is terrible."

She smirked. "Aw he can't be that bad." She said coldly. Chills ran down my spine. Something was wrong. "What?" I asked.

"I mean he is my boyfriend." She pounced on me and tried to capture me. "Mom help!" The woman I thought was my mom came to me and smirked. "Aw your little plan fail?" She had to be my mom. She looked identical.

"It was easy for Jackson to take your mothers eyes out and give them to me." She rubbed her eyes. "I like them. I can see why he wanted yours so bad"

Kyle and Violet Eyes were in handcuffs, "Hey Jen, when you get her down bring her in." My fake mother left along with Kyle and Violet Eyes.

This had to be unreal.

The fake cop brought out some hand cuffs and slammed one on my wrist.

I wouldn't go back. The only thing I could do was head but her, but I did it hard. She stumbled backwards grabbing her head. I got up, not bothering to try to undo the handcuff on my left wrist.

I got up and punched her face. She coughed up blood, I took her little police bat and hit her with it until she was unconscious.

I took her gun, and the hand cuff key and ran towards the forest for dear life.

Unlike Kyle and Violet eyes I came here not drugged. I knew how to get back.

I followed the sun north, until I hit a dirt path I remembered.

I was tired, my ankle was killing me, and I was dehydrated. But I kept running. After an hour I hit a road, not many cars but some did pass.

Tears fell from my eyes.

I ran into the road and a car stopped in front of me. A woman, maybe 28 or so, stopped and got out the car.

"What the hell?! I'm late for work! And now-" I cut her off. "Please I was kidnapped. I need to get out of here take me to my house please I need to get help. My friends are still there with that man." She stopped and looked me over.

"Am I being punked?" She asked.

"Please! I'll give you money!" She looked at me.

"Are you Alexis Williams? I saw your missing persons poster at my work."

"Yes that's me. And they might be following me please can we go?"

"Get in"

Once we were on the road I told her where I lived, turns out I was only about thirty minutes from home.

I didn't wait for the car to stop before I jumped out the car, I ran into my house. "Mom?" No answer.

That's right. Jackson killed her.

I'll mourn later.

I ran upstairs and put skinny jeans on, and a black t shirt. I got my sneakers, and phone. And put my hair in a quick pony tail.

I ran outside and went two doors down.

I knocked.

"We don't want what your selling." A voice said from inside the door.

"I'm sure you'll rethink that." I said.

Silence before the door opened.

"Listen, I don't want to- Lexi!?!? Your alive?!" Kaden picked me up and spun me around.

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