Chapter Eight

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Kyle's P.O.V

A door slammed and I heard crying.

I couldn't believe it, she hasn't cried once since we came here, not even when she was kidnapped.

He broke her.

I would brake him. In Half.

The door to my room opened and Jackson stepped in. Half his body still hidden behind the door.

"Oh Kyle." He said in a sing song voice. "I have a surprise for you."

He came all the way in the room closing the door and smirking.

I almost died inside, when I saw him dragging an unconscious Alexis by her hair.

" I thought I'd give you a treat for being so..... understanding with her switching rooms."

He threw her on the floor and left.

Jackson had recently taken away the covers and rags, all that was left was the pillow which I left for her head.

I went and sat on the floor waiting for her to wake up, god it was freezing in here.

An hour or so passed before she opened her eyes and sat up. "Kyle?" She said scared. I went to her and sat on the bed looking at the ceiling. "I'm here, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good. When did I get here? God damn I'm freezing." She said sitting up. "could I have your sweater?"

I completely forgot I had that. God I was stupid.

"Yeah here," I took it off and wrapped it around her, she quickly zipped it up and pulled it down. It reached to a little higher then mid thigh.

She turned to face me. "I missed you." She whispered before falling asleep.

And in that moment I realized I never wanted this moment to end. I was falling for this sarcastic, beautiful, blue eyed girl.

And I was going to get killed for it.

"I'll make it up to you." I whispered into her ear, and moved a bit of hair from her face. I planted a kiss on her forehead and leaned back, loving the way she felt in my arms. Like she was meant to be there.

I shook the thought. She was in love with that Kevin guy, and I know she would never fall for me anyways.

Suddenly the door opened, and he threw a blindfolded and beaten girl into the room.

"Kyle." Jackson growled at me. I looked up, not moving away from my spot with Alexis. "Your aunt called, she's going to pay me." I stared at him.

"Excuse me?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. I don't have an aunt.

"I will not repeat myself." He growled again, and walked out of the room, slamming the door.

I pushed Alexis a bit and shook her. "Alexis wake up, there's another one." I said, and her eyes shot open.

Her eyes drifted to the body laying on the floor. It was a girl, that was clear.

She had red hair that went to her mid-back, and she was white. I got up and walked over to her, looking at Alexis.

"Do we have anything we could use to heal her cuts?'' I asked, and Alexis got up and went to the bathroom to check, even though I knew there was nothing there.

I lifted the girl up and placed her on my lap for support.

I slowly took the blindfold off, scared of what lay underneath it. Had Jackson taken this girls eyes and shoved her in here to slowly die, to show us who's boss?

The blindfold fell to the floor as Alexis walked out. "Here, we can use the blindfold. It's small but will help." I said to her, tossing it.

The girls eyes were closed, and showed no sight of blood around them, and as I looked at her more I realized she was Asian. I let out a relieved sigh and felt the girl stir in her spot.

I moved some of her red hair away from her face as her eyes fluttered open.

What the hell.

Her eyes were violet. Isn't that basically impossible?

The girl looked and me and quickly jumped up and pushed herself to the wall.

"Shh, it's okay." I said, standing up. "We were taken, like you. We won't hurt you."

"We?" The girls voice called out.

Just then Alexis walked out and smiled at the girl. "I did research once on people with purple eyes." She said to me and walked over to the girl to clean her cuts. "It is a form of incomplete albinism, and it's extremely rare." She explained.

"What's your name?" I asked the girl.

"Roslyn Sow." She answered. "I'm 16 years of age." She said, looking around as Alexis cleaned a cut on her arm.

"Well, I'm Kyle Anderlane, and that's Alexis Williams." I introduced us.

Alexis p.o.v

I know I shouldn't have been but I was. I was mad at that stupid little violet eyed girl. Sitting in his lap, talking to him. I hated that she was here.

I couldn't hear them that well, but once they burst out laughing I burst.

"Okay so now what?" I said turning to face the two. They stopped talking.

"What do you mean?" She asked giving me an innocent smile.

"I mean. Kyle and I are going to get out soon. You're going to die. End of story. So we just sit here and become buddy's just to see you die? Shouldn't we just keep our distance? Make it easier?" I finally shouted.

Kyle gave me a stern look.

"So you just accept the fact I'm going to die and don't even talk to me? Is that it? 'Lets just leave her alone and let her die.' No helping me?" She growled.

I stepped closer, my fist clenching.

"You don't know what I've been through in this hell. If you live you will wish you were dead." I growled back.

Kyle got up and quickly stepped between us.

"Maybe we can escape all of us together? We can all live and no one dies." He said calmly.

I scoffed. "What? I have to risk my life for a bitch I don't even care about? I have my one way ticket out and I'm not going to die just because you have a little crush on the new girl."

"I would do it for you." Kyle said calmly.

"I would do it for you too." I said softening my voice. "But not for some girl that I don't even know."

Violet girl pushed Kyle out of the way and tried to tackle me, I swiftly stepped aside and let her hit the floor.

As soon as she did I sat on her and pinned both of her arms with one of my hands and began punching her with the other.

"Let's see what Jackson does with you if he doesn't need you anymore! He only has you for your eyes. What happens if I rip them out of you?!" I shouted I punched her in the eye. Just as I was about to throw another punch Kyle grabbed me and carried me over to his bed.

"What the hell?!" He shouted. The girl laid over there on the floor too tired to get up.

"She will get this from Jackson she doesn't need this from you too." He growled.

He let me go, "Why did you even do that?" He looked at me.

"Kyle." I said looking at the floor. "I can't lose you. If you want to risk your life for this girl then fine. Go ahead. But I won't be apart of it. Choose. Me or her"

Kyle looked at the ground think over his choices. Finally he stared at me eyes uncertain but determined. And gave me an answer I'll never forget.

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