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Rachel's Pov

Prom Night: Sean and I were at prom together, just as friends. We were sitting at a table chatting, until a slow song came on. Sean stood up and walked in front of me, he held out his hand "May I have this dance?" He said with a cheeky smile. I giggled and took his hand. Sean brought me out to the dance floor "I didn't know you could dance" I said "I can't" he chuckled. I ruffled his hair and he smiled at me "You look very handsome"

"You look absolutely gorgeous" he said which cause me to blush. I layed my head on his chest while we danced. "Rachel" he said, I looked back up at him. Sean caressed my face, he leaned in and kissed me passionately. When Sean broke the kiss, he smiled "I love you" I pulled him into a hug "I love you too" Sean hugged me back and whispered in my ear "Rachel, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, I love you Sean"

"I love you too"

Break up: I knocked on the door to Sean's cabin. The door opened to reveal Sean standing there "Hey Rachel, what's up!" He said "Sean, we need to talk" he nodded and let me in "is everything okay, love?" I looked at Sean as we sat on his couch "We need to break up" Sean's goofy smile turned to a frown "What?!"

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