The Fight

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Jacks Pov

I woke up the next morning to find Rachel already up. She was getting Katie ready for school "Good morning girls" I said. They both smiled at me "Hi Jacky" Katie said "Hey, getting ready for school?" She nodded. "Sean, do you mind driving Katie to school?"

"No, I don't mind at all" I smiled. Rachel handed me her keys. Katie and I piled out the door and went to Rachel's car. I got into the drivers side, while Katie sat in the back "Katie you can sit in the front"

"Mom, says I'm not allowed to" she said.

"Ill let ya sit the front, c'mon. You're safe." She smiled and climbed into the front seat. I started the the car and drove to the school.

(Time Skip)

I pulled into the parking lot "Katie, what grade are ye' in?"

"First grade" she said.

"Wow, you're getting much older too quickly"

"At least I don't have grey hairs!" She giggled.

I playfully rolled my eyes "That's something your mother would say" I chuckled "Have fun at school, okay?"

"Okay, bye!" She said getting out of the car.

"Bye!" I said. I watched her till she made it to the doors of the school. I looked forward toward the road and drove off back to Rachel's.

(Time Skip)

I got out of the car after turning off the engine. I walked into the house, I found Rachel sitting on the ground against the wall crying, her phone was lying on the ground next to her.

I crouched down next to her "Rachel, are you alright!?" She sobbed, but got words out "He keeps threatening me!" I sat down next her and put my arm around her "What is he saying?"

"He's telling me that he's going to hurt Katie" she cried.

"Rachel, I'm not going to let that happen. I won't let him lay a finger on Katie...why haven't you just run away?"

"I've tried, but every time he's found me!" She raised her voice.


"Drop it Sean, I don't want to hear it anymore!" She got up and ran to her bedroom.

Great, I've made her upset.

(Time Skip)

I brought Katie home after school was over. I seen Rachel at the kitchen table on her phone. Katie ran to her room and set her bag down. She came back out and grinned "Jacky, can you sing that song I really like?"

I knew what song she was referring to. 'Whiskey in the jar' by The Dubliners. I took Katie to the living room and started dancing with her

" As I was a goin' over the far famed Kerry mountains
I met with captain Farrell and his money he was counting
I first produced my pistol and I then produced my rapier
Saying "Stand and deliver" for he were a bold deceiver
Mush-a ring dum-a do dum-a da

Whack for my daddy-o.

*Clap clap clap*

Whack for my daddy-o

*Clap clap*

There's whiskey in the jar"

I picked her up and spun her around as the song ended. As I held her, she kissed my cheek. I smiled softly at her and set her down. She giggled and ran off to her room.

I smiled to myself. I looked over to see Rachel still on her phone, I frowned. I'm going to have to talk to her one way or another.

(Time Skip)

It was 9:30 now, Rachel was still on her phone at the table. I went over behind her shoulder "Y'know, if he's threatening you, maybe you shouldn't be on your phone" I said. She set her phone down and stood up quickly.

"Y'know what Sean! I told you to drop it!" She screamed.

"Rachel, I'm just trying-" she walked towards me and we we're in the hallway, fighting.

"I think you've done enough helping, cause you've just made everything worse, and I'm starting to get sick of it!"

As Rachel finished her sentence screaming at me, she slapped me across the face. There I seen Katie, she looked tired, confused, and scared "Jacky?" Everyone was quiet.

I slowly walked over to Katie and crouched down in front of her "Jacky, are you going to leave?"

"I'm not going to leave, I'm just gonna go for a walk, get my mind cleared, okay?" She nodded and wrapped her arms around my neck "I love you Jacky"

"I love you too Katie, go back to bed honey" I kissed her forehead, stood up and walked past Rachel, who was still in the same place where she was standing.

As I walked out the front door, I was soaked wet with rain, its feels as if I haven't left home.

Katie's Pov (Time Skip)

I woke up to a big Boom sound, and I immediately knew what that was. Thunder. I didn't like thunderstorms, I was scared of the loud noises and big flashes of light. I got up and ran to my mom, who was at the kitchen table "it's thunderstorming..."

"Mhmm" she said. Another sound of thunder boomed, which made me jump. I was shaking now, there tears in my eyes, and the one thing I wanted most was not here "Mommy, I want Jacky" I cried.

The rain poured harder than before "Mommy, please, I want Jacky!" I cried again. Mommy then broke down in tears "I want Jacky too!" She said. She brought out her phone and called him, it leader I think it was him.

I listened to her talk "Sean... can you come back? Katie wants you, she's crying and shivering" she nodded as she talked. She ha dad the phone to me "Jacky?"

"Hi sweetie, you okay?"

"I'm scared"

"I know sweetie, I'm on my way alright?"


"Ill see you when I get there honey"

"Okay, bye"

"Bye, sweetheart" he hung up the phone. I handed the phone back to Mommy. Lightning flashed, and all the lights in the house went out.

I whimpered. The front door opened and Jacky came in. I ran over and hugged him tightly. He was really cold and wet. He hugged me back "Its okay Katie, I'm here" Mommy hugged Jacky too, squishing me in the middle. She told him she was sorry for screaming.

A really loud horn went off and I knew that meant there was a tornado. Mommy took me and Jacky to the basement. We all huddled together, I hugged Jacky tightly and hid my face into his jacket "Katie, it's okay honey, I won't let anything hurt you. I promise" he said and kissed my forehead.

I then realised that I forgot something! I forgot Septiceye Sam in my room!

Jack's Pov

Katie let go of me and ran upstairs "Katie, No!" I screamed and ran after her. As i got to the hallway Katie came back from her room with the Septiceye Sam Plushie I gave her not too long ago.

I picked her up and quickly went back down to the basement. I held Katie in my arms. The siren went off, but there's still a chance that the tornado may be out there. I sure do hope not.

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