I Rely On You

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(A/N: That sentence broke me.)

"I can't believe that you lied to us, Astrid! To me!" Hiccup yelled in front of everyone, placing a hand on his chest when he said the last sentence.

Astrid felt guilty. She didn't mean this to happen. She didn't want to blow the cover of Heather and her.

But, Hiccup got to know. And he was furious, almost.

He was more disappointed than furious.

The girl he'd trusted and loved his whole life, lied to him.

"I'm sorry Hiccup! I really am! I didn't want this to come out! It was supposed to be a secret..." Astrid cried out, tears building in her eyes.

She neared him, holding out her hand. Hiccup turned away form her, a deep frown plastered on his face.

"I'm sorry, alright. If you won't accept it, ignore me. Hate me, just know that I truly mean that I'm sorry!" Astrid said, brushing past him and walking out of the Club House.

"Wow, I never though I'd hear her say so many apologizes," Tuffnut said, looking over at his sister.

"She's Astrid. She's unpredictable, go with it," Ruff said, elbowing her brother.

"Hiccup. I really think that she's sorry. You should...go after her and see what happened..." Fishlegs said, his brows furrowing.

Hiccup looked at him before looking forward. He saw her walk into his house.

"I think you're right, Fishlegs. I see what's wrong. Get a good nights sleep, we have a few things in front of us tomorrow..." Hiccup said, waving goodbye.



Hiccup opened the door to his hut, walking in and seeing Astrid sit on the edge of his bed. He looked at her, slowly closing the door.

Her elbows where leaned against her thighs, her head laying in her hands.

He walked over to her, crouching down in front of her, placing a hand on her knee for support and comfort.

"Astrid..." He begun. The blonde sobbed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I...I was just disappointed that you lied to me. I'm sorry...can you, forgive me?" He asked.

Astrid looked up, her cheeks wet with tears. A picture flashed in front of his eyes.

He had just picked her out of the water and she was laying in his arms, her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open.

Hiccup placed his free hand on her cheek, wiping it slowly and lovingly.

"I'm sorry," He said, his voice failing him.

Astrid looked him in the eyes, seeing only the truth. A truth she hadn't said.

"No, I'm sorry, Hiccup. I shouldn't have lied. Not to you. I realize it now. You...mean everything to me. And...it was so hard for me to lie to you, knowing that I will cause you this pain..." She whispered, snaking her arms around his neck and hugging him.

Hiccup stood up slowly, pulling her up. He fastened his arms around her waist and pulled the blonde closer to him.

Their stomachs bumped together but neither of them cared.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, Astrid. I should've let you explain..." Hiccup whispered into her neck.

One of his hands moved over her back, settling at the back of her head where her braid was.

He pulled back his head, looking at her.

"Don't cry Astrid. I won't do anything bad to you. I promise..."

Astrid looked at him, snaking her hand into his hair. "I trust you, Hiccup..." She whispered.

Just as they where leaning in and their lips were about to meet, he said, "And I rely on you."

"I'm sorry for everything," Astrid mumbled again his lips. "I am too, Astrid."

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