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It was weird for Hiccup to be hugged. At least, that's the way he felt. People didn't really want to hug a person like him.

An outcast.

Hiccup always wondered what it felt like to be loved in his early years. He always wanted to feel what it felt like to have a womanly figure in his life.

How it felt to have a mother.

And, what would happen if he had a mother. His father would probably love him too. His family would finally be complete. That was all he dreamed of when he was smaller.

However, he knew that those things would never happen.

His mother was dead and his father didn't care about him. Gobber was like a second father for him.

He used to work in the smoky when he was back on Berk. Sure, after defeating the Red Death, things had changed. People started to care about him.

Astrid too.

Two knew that, three years after defeating the Red Death, she would be his girlfriend?

He for sure didn't.

He could only dream about it.


The moon was slowly rising in the sky as Hiccup and Toothless made their way to their hut, happy and content after a night flight.

"Well, that was refreshing, wasn't it, bud?" He asked and looked at Toothless, placing a hand on the dragons scaly head and scratching it.

Toothless grumbled and closed his eyes for a second, enjoying the scratching. Hiccup smiled at the dragon and pulled back his hand, looking forward.

He saw Astrid stand at his hut, beside Stormfly who was cleaning herself again.

His smile widened at the sight of his girlfriend and something totally new rushed through his veins.




His heart skipped a beating when she smiled at him. Oh gods, she was so beautiful tonight. Not that she never not was beautiful but...she looked different today. In a good way.

Maybe, it was because he had been sitting in the forge all day, planning and constructing new stuff for Inferno.

Or, maybe it was because he hadn't seen her since late last night?

He didn't know. But, boy was he glad he could finally see her.

"Hey there, dragon boy," Astrid mocked with him and placed her hand on his chest, leaning up and pressing her lips against his cheek, a smile plastered on her face.

Pulling back, she gazed into his eyes and intertwined her fingers with his. "Hey there, M'lady."

Silence fell over them as they started walking toward his hut again. Hiccup smiled all the way, his thumb caressing the back of her hand.

Once they entered his hut, they sat down at the table.

Toothless had stayed outside to keep Stormfly company.

Astrid smiled and scooted closer to her boyfriend, her arm nudging his. He looked at her with a small smile and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in.

Astrid closed the distance between their bodies and her side touched his as she looked down at her hands in her lap.

Hiccup closed his eyes and buried his nose into her hair, kissing her head. Astrid hummed softly and reached over for Hiccup's other hand, taking a hold of it and just staying there.

Astrid suddenly moved after Hiccup pressed another kiss to her head. "Astrid?" He asked and looked at her.

She gazed into his eyes before looking at his lips. She held his hand with her left one as she placed her right hand on his chest, leaning in.

Hiccup smiled, knowing what she wanted and slowly closed his eyes, leaning in too.

A few moments later, their lips met and he sank into the kiss, not ever wanting to her her go.

However, Astrid pulled away a few second later and pulled back her hand from his, wrapping her left arm around his back, under his arm and her right arm around his neck.

She laid her head on his shoulder and pulled him closer to her.

All she wanted was to have him close and for him to know that she was there for him.

Hiccup smiled and laid his head on her shoulder too, burring his face into her neck and wrapping his free arm around her.

They barely had any space to move because of the table but they fit perfectly anyway.

"Hiccup," Astrid begun with a whisper. "Yes?" He asked, breathing into her shoulder. A shiver ran down her spine. "Never forget that I'm here for you. I'll always be. I promise."

"I know. Thank you," He said softly and hugged her tighter.

Who knew that his life would be turned upside down after everything? He was glad. She was his and she was there. He couldn't ask for more.

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