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Everyone was just lazing around the beach when Koro-sensei suggested something childish.

"Lets have a test of courage!"


Everyone gathered around the mouth of a cave at the end of the beach as the octopus explained the rules.

"You have to travel in boy-girl pairs and walk through the cave."

K sighed and sat on a nearby rock.

"I think I'll sit this one out."

"Whats wrong Girlie? Ya too scared?"

Karma taunted. K rolled her eyes and looked at Koro-sensei who was enjoying himself.

"I'm not scared, I just can't shake the feeling that the octopus is doing this for something else."


As instructed, class-E went through the cave in pairs, but K stayed outside. Even Karasuma-sensei and Bitch-sensei went in. You could hear screaming echoing from inside the cave, but they all sounded like the same person. Koro-sensei.

Everyone finally made it out and Koro-sensei revealed why he really wanted to do the test of courage.

"I j-just wanted to see you become couples!!!"

He cried out as he lay defeated on the sand. K sighed deeply and got up to leave, but then she heard a familiar voice inside the cave.

"Oh come on. you're supposed to be a man and let me lean on you!"

"You're a grown woman, you will be fine."

Bitch-sensei and Karasuma-sensei were arguing again. Most of the students just stared at the sight. Then someone suddenly rushed them. Karasuma-sensei quickly pushed Bitch-sensei out of the way and blocked a strong flying kick from K. K bounced back and landed on the ground with a smile on her face.

"Get ready Tadaomi."

"Are you really going to do this n-"

He didn't finish. K attacked him with a flurry of punches that were easily blocked by Karasuma-sensei. Stats wise, K was much faster than Karasuma-sensei, but he was much stronger. Karasuma-sensei grabbed K's arm and threw her while trying not to hurt her. She slid backwards on the sand, off-balance. Karasuma-sensei took this opportunity to slide his foot under her and knock her off her feet, but K regained her balance and dodged by back flipping out of his range of attack.

"You still can't fight me seriously. No wonder why you became a soldier and I became an assassin."

"How am I supposed to fight you seriously? I don't want to hurt you."


K walked away from Karasuma-sensei. While those two were fighting, the rest of class-E dragged Bitch-sensei away and devised a plan for her to have a romantic dinner with Karasuma-sensei. When dinner was finally served, the students managed to kick Karasuma-sensei out and forced him to be alone with Bitch-sensei. Most of the students, and Koro-sensei, hid behind the trees to watch the spectacle. Even K, who had wandered off earlier, was hiding somewhere secretly watching. The date seemed to be going well and Bitch-sensei seemed to be having fun, but then her expression suddenly changed. She stood and walked closer to Karasuma-sensei. She grabbed the napkin that he had tucked in his shirt and first placed it on her own lips before placing it on his. Then she walked away with a smile on her face. Most of the students revealed themselves and looked angrily and disappointed at Bitch-sensei, but Karasuma-sensei still had no idea what was going on.

"Was that...a new technique?"

"Jeez Tadaomi, I had no idea you were that dense."

K leaned on a nearby tree and smirked while he looked at her confusedly.

"What do you mean?"

"Heh, it's nothing."

K shrugged her shoulders and ran back to the group where Karma immediately began to cause mischief. That was the last day on the tropical island for class-E and in a few days, second term would be in session.

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