Sounds Like a Snake: Ties

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A few days had passed and K was growing more and more frustrated with Asano who continued to call her over for study sessions. She didn't know what had been going on with class E, but she would be seeing them soon as they would also be competing in the upcoming festival.

K stood outside a corporate office while she waited for Asano and his group to finish their meeting with the sponsors for the festival. She sighed as some business man walked up to her.


She looked up to see someone leaning over her and inspecting her.

"Are you a Kunigigaoka student too? Wanna come with me for a lit-"

He was suddenly restrained with his hand behind his back, and Asano had wrapped his arm around K's shoulder.

"Sorry, but she's with us."

They all left with their heads held high. However, K was unimpressed by Asano's show of power.


The day of the festival, everything had started. K sat on a chair backstage while Asano got ready to warm-up the crowd. He walked over to her with a guitar strapped around his neck. His smirk was much bigger than usual.

"Heh, you ready to hear something amazing missy?"

She scoffed at his remark and leaned back in her chair.

"No matter how good you are, it could never impress me."


He walked out onto the stage. The five virtuosos surrounded K and smirked evilly at her.

"Maybe you just aren't as skilled are you?"

"Y'know, the students at the top are all multi talented."

"Are you up to those expectations?"

K sniffed and moved her eyes to examine the five students in front of her. She finally gave in and lazilly walked out onto the stage on the other side. The students in the crowd didn't know her very well, they all mumbled quietly while she got herself situated near a keyboard. The five virtuosos just stood backstage looking at each other in shock. They hadn't expected her to actually go out on stage by herself.

Then they heard the crowd roar as this amazing melody began to play. Asano came off the stage and was confused when he heard the music.

"Who's that playing?"

The five virtuosos turned around to face him, but they were unable to speak. Asano peeked through the curtain to see K singing casually with the lights around her, and her hands on the keyboard never missed a beat. She got so many students riled up that they kept cheering for this unknown artist on stage.

The song ended and she exited without another word. Asano could only stare as she walked off and grabbed a cup of water.


He walked up to K with an unusual grin on his face.

"Wow missy, ever think about joining a band?"

"Heh, not if it your band, Asano."

She spoke bluntly before walking off and disappearing into the crowd of people.


The second day had begun, and this time, Asano wasn't letting K out of his sight. Everywhere she went, so did he.

"Hmm...what's this?"

She pointed curiously to something in a student's booth. That student blushed and tripped over his words.

"I-its a...uh...a"

"Geez, what a lame salesman."

Asano came out off the shadows and wrapped his arm casually around K. It almost looked as if they were together. K had gotten used to his over bearing territorialness, she didn't react at all to any of his teasing anymore.


The student shouted as he began to sweat nervously. Asano didn't say any more. His hand moved to K's waist and began leading her around the festival grounds.

"Shouldnt you be with your project?"

K spoke softly while trying to casually put some distance between them.

"Heh, it'll be fine. I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"By following me? Won't daddy get mad?"

She teased with mischief in her eyes. He only smiled at her remark and tightened his hold on her. They walked around together for the rest of the day. Quietly ignoring the stares of the other students.

By sunset, K and Asano had visited most of the booths and already made their way back to the others. They all thought it was a good day, and the did come out on top. However, class E was the topic on everyone's mind.


As per usual, Asano and the five vritosos made their way to principal Asano's office for one final report. K once again waited outside. She could hear Asano speaking formally to his father, but she could also feel the deadly atmosphere that surrounded the office. Then, Asano walked out and closed the door.


K called out as he looked around distracted.

"Hello missy."

"The others?"

"We'll just have to wait."

Three minutes passed and the two decided to reenter together. Once the door was open, Asano immediately noticed that something was wrong and ran to them.

"Ren! Seo!"

No response, they just kept repeating the same words over and over again. K managed to keep a Stoic face in this situation, but her hand was unconsciously forming a fist, her nails digging deeper into her skin with each passing second.

"Kill class E kill class E kill class E..."

They repeated over and over.

"Wh-What did you do?"

Asano shouted.

"I just fanned the flames of their hatred."

Principal Asano continued to lecture his son about his connections to his "friends" with a smile on his face. Asano had fear in his eyes and was unable to speak. Then the principal turned to K.

"And you."

He walked up to her unmoving body and lifted her chin up to face him.

"You should've done your job, now I might have to hurt your friends as well."


Asano swatted away his father's hand and lead K away by pulling her hand. He ran down the hall and didn't stop until he was sure that his father couldn't hear them.


K spoke almost apologetically while Asano struggled to catch his breath. K sighed and held out her hand to Asano.

"Come. Lets head home already. I'll study with or whatever, let's just get out of here."

Asano took her hand and they both headed to his house where she stayed the night. Asano's unrest was clear, but K wasn't worried about that. She looked at her hand as it shook nervously, for the first time in a long time, she was scared for something.

Second TermOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora