True leader

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The sporting events had started and class E surprised everyone with their swift moves and agile feet. K sat across the way staring at the group worriedly in anticipation of the dreaded pole toppling event. Although, K wasn't the only one watching class E closely. Asano managed to slither up behind K as he watched many students in class E dominate the individual events.

"They're quite skilled aren't they?"

Asano remarked with a gross grin glued to his face. K ignored him and turned to walk away, but Asano grabbed her arm and pulled her small body back to him.

"Ignore me all you want Missy. It won't change what I'm about to do."

K's usual Stoic expression changed to one of hatred as she forced herself from Asano's hold.


She let Asano say what he wanted. There wasn't anything she could do against him for right now. But as she walked around the large field, she noticed Koro-sensei encouraging the students to do their best in the pole toppling event. K casually walked past them and whispered something just loud enough for Karma to notice. Karma heard her words and watched her walk away out of the corner of his eye.

"Be careful."


Class A and class E lined up for their final challenge. The exhibition match. From the very start, it was already an unfair fight. Asano managed to recruit every exchange student on campus to go against the much smaller students of class E. It was an unfair fight, but that was nothing new to class E. K sat on the sidelines as Asano had forced her to so that she would feel helpless and useless. K could be seen fidgeting slightly as the match was about to begin.

Isogai and Asano both climbed their poles and stood proudly as the match began. To everyone's surprise, class E had taken an all defensive line up with no offensive players. This strategy baffled everyone and left many students shocked. Just what was Isogai planning?

Asano made the first move, he sent a big brute charging towards class E with no restraint. However, Yoshida and Muramatsu weren't about to just let them attack. They ran out to block the big brute and stop him in his tracks, but it wasn't enough. The huge transfer student knocked the two students away and sent them flying toward the stands. Things looked bad for class E, Asano looked into the stands with confidence. He expected to see K nervous or worried, but he was shocked to see her smirking back at him. She pointed her finger and drew his attention back to the event. Karma's tendency to egg people on finally payed off when Asano's first team jumped head first into a trap. Class E had them pinned down. Asano regained his composure and sent in his flanks to finish the job, but Isogai already had a counter attack ready.

"Attach team! Operation: mucus!"

Isogai shouted and class E moved accordingly. But just when they went on the offensive, the flanks that were sent to attack turned around and boxed them in. Now class E was surrounded with no way out. Just when they seemed like they were about to lose it all, class E ran for the stands, jumping over chairs and weaving through obstacles. K simply sat herself down near the barricade and watched the spectacle instead of running like everyone else did. One of the big brutes that was chasing Karma ran past her and mysteriously tripped on a nearby chair. K snickered while Karma shot a sly wink her way. Class E continued to move erratically while class A fumbled through the stands.

Just when K began enjoying this game of catch-me-if-you-can, she spotted to figures out of the corner of her eye. Muramatsu and Yoshida were back in the game and attacking. It seems Isogai planned this from the very beginning.


Isogai called out to his team and they bolted from the stands back into the field. Asano looked nervous now as class E rushed toward their pole. They all jumped up and grabbed onto Asano. It looked like class E just won, but K knew better. Asano's evil expression returned as he flipped Yoshida with just the flick of his wrist.

"Asano Gakushuu has been trained in martial arts you fools. Don't take him so lightly."

K whispered worriedly under her breath.

Asano was no longer playing games. His face was deadly and his eyes were cold. Asano jumped around using the pole as a base and knocked away class E one by one while his teammates regrouped. Just then, one more surprise jumped into battle. The defensive team of class E rushed in and grabbed hold of Asano. Only two students were left to guard class E's pole and Asano was too busy to give out anymore orders.

"Now Itona!"


Isogai held out his hands as a stepping stone for Itona. Itona put one foot on Isogai's hand and was launched into the air. Just like that, the game was over.

"Heh. Game, set, match Asano Gakushuu."

K smirked to herself as Itona knocked the pole over with one swift kick. The added weight of the entire class E only made it impossible for class A to recover. Itona simply held on while his weight dragged the pole to the ground.

"We won!"

Class E celebrated their shocking victory over class A. Asano gritted his teeth and left the field ashamed. Itona celebrated with his classmates, but when he looked over to the stands where K was, he was saddened to see no one there.


K had already left. She walked through the areas of campus where she knew no one would be. She already knew Asano would be headed to see his dear father who was probably infuriated with their loss. She paused outside the principal's office while screams and someone beating someone else could be heard from outside. When the noises stopped, she opened the door to see blood splattered on the walls on floor. Nothing new to her eyes, she remained calm while the principal fixed his shirt and calmly sat back in his chair. K ignored Asano's shaking as he remained on the floor backed against a wall. His father clearly beat some fear into his shameful son.

"Hello K."

"I'll be taking them to the nurse's office, sir."

"Heh. Very well."

She spoke as politely as she could with as little emotion that she could manage. Then she bowed and turned to help up Asano. The students walked out with the injured transfer students on their shoulders.

"Why did you walk in?"

Asano asked, still a little shaken from his father's words. K sighed as she continued to look forward.

"If I hadn't walked in, then he might have done something to you."

That was the end of the conversation. K continued to ignore Asano like usual. And Asano went back to his devious plans to destroy class E. He wasn't fit to be a leader yet.

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