Cops and Robbers

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After a failed pudding experiment by Kayano-san, the students of class E took their training to the next level. A game of cops and robbers which pit class We against Karasuma-sensei and Koro-sensei.

"Lets go!"

Most of the students split up into groups. Many didn't expect Karasuma-sensei to catch up, but given the skill set of K, Karasuma-sensei easily caught them.

"Fuwa-san, Hayami-san, Chiba-kun, out!"

Ritsu spoke through the students' phones. K peeked at Nagisa's phone and scoffed.

"Its not so easy when he's serious."

"How can we beat him?"

"You keep running...I'll take care of Tadaomi. He's my target after all."

K ran back towards the helpless screams of the students as Karasuma-sensei tagged them one by one. Karasuma-sensei was busy capturing another group of students when K finally are her appearance.


She launched a powerful kick and gave the others some time to escape. Meanwhile, Ritsu relayed the play by play of the game.

"Sorry....everyone escaped..."

"What! That damn teacher!"

"Hahaha Tadaomi, sounds frustrating."

K rushed Karasuma-sensei, within a few minutes, Karasuma-sensei and K were locked in hand to hand combat and neither was giving up. K continued to fight normally, but this time, she was actually playing by the rules. She avoided the game that would arrest her if Karasuma-sensei touched her with it.


"Game over!"

Ritsu finally announced and K swept Karasuma-sensei off his feet and knocked him to the ground.

"You'll never be as fast as me, Tadaomi."

"But I'm still stronger."


K walked away and left Karasuma-sensei and the others back at school. She headed to her usual spot by the waterfall to meet Itona and Shiro-san.


K ran up to the smaller white haired boy and hugged him tight. Then she made a pouting face at Shiro-san.

"Shiro-saaaaan! When will Itona come back to school? Its been so looong..."

"Yes, yes, I know K. But Itona and I have been working on the assassination."

"What are you going to do?"

"You'll see."

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