Itona pt 1

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The next day, K showed up late in the afternoon, but by then there were already rumors spreading about Koro-sensei stealing women's underwear.

"You think he really did it?"

Nagisa questioned disappointedly.

" think he's being framed."

Karma stated. Class E spent the next few hours analyzing the true culprit and figuring out where his next target would be. The eventually settled on a house that a group of idols had been staying at for the past 2 weeks. K, Karma, Nagisa, Fuwa, Kayano, and Terasaka all hid safely near the laundry line so they could catch the culprit.

"Look! Over there!"

Fuwa pointed out in a hushed voice. The other students looked and spotted Koro-sensei who was also hiding in the bushes. They were all making remarks about how Koro-sensei looked like a thief, but then the real thief decided to show his face.

"There he is!"

"He even has a yellow helmet on!"

Koro-sensei rushed in and tackled the mysterious man to the ground. He seemed furious at the man for trying to frame him, but when Koro-sensei finally removed his helmet, he couldn't believe who it was.

"Karasuma sensei's assistant?"

Then 4 white walls appeared and surrounded Koro-sensei. The other man fearfully crawled out of the trap and left the octopus vulnerable.

"You fell for it."


K seemed confused, but her expression immediately changed when Itona appeared in the sky and attacked Koro-sensei.


"Be quiet. I've studied all of his weaknesses and thanks to you students, I can finally kill him."


K ran toward Shiro and swung her fist at him, but Shiro easily dodged. K's eyes were filled with rage while Shiro remained completely calm.

"How could you bring him to such a dangerous situation!"

"Relax...once he completes his job, I'll release him to you."


K was so angry that she made her own lip bleed. She kept on attacking, but Shiro remained unfazed. Then everyone outside heard a sinister laugh.

"Sorry...but I won't be killed that easily."

Koro-sensei finally retaliated after learning Itona's fighting habits. Itona was quickly defeated and K's attention shifted to Itona.


Koro-sensei caught Itona before he hit the ground and smiled victoriously. K rushed to Itona's side and forced the octopus to lay him on the ground.


"Why can't you just do as you're told, Itona?"


Shiro sighed heavily and stated that he would have to cut his ties to Itona if he kept failing to kill his target. Then Itona suddenly began to scream in pain.


"Itona? Whats happening?"

"His tentacles are eating away at his brain. He can't take the stress of being defeated so many times in a row."


Itona continued to writhe in pain and Shiro made his exit.

"Are you sure your students are safe?"

K stepped back and joined the other students who stood at a distance. She didn't know what to do or how to help him. Then, one of his tentacles suddenly whipped by them, but Koro-sensei managed to deflect it in time. Itona looked like a rabid animal as he suddenly jumped and escaped their view.


Karma looked to K who stood slightly in front of him. There were tears at the edges of her eyes and they were wide with fear.


K suddenly collapsed and Karma caught her just in time. Koro-sensei also collapsed out of exhaustion. Karma held K in his arms as he suddenly remembered the story she told him, Itona attacked her before. After a few seconds of being unconscious, K began to wake up and come to her senses.


"You alright?"

"I'm fine."

K stood up and ran after Itona and left the others with an unconscious Koro-sensei.

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