Fighting Spirit

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Nagisa and a few other students were casually hanging out at a local cafe. They seemed to be watching one particular person who was working there, Isogai. Isogai worked like a pro, he greeted customers with a smile and served them without complaining. The other students seemed to idolize that about him. Then the bell on the front entrance chimed and someone walked in.

"Hello, how may I-"

"So the rumor was right. A student is working here."

The five virtuosos followed by Asano and someone else.


They all walked outside to have a private chat.

"You broke the rules again, Isogai."

Asano scolded Isogai with his usual smirk, but everyone from class E was more concerned about K who silently stood back with the rest of Asano's gang.

"I'll let you go if you can prove your fighting spirit."

"Fighting spirit?"

"Yeah. If you win then I'll turn a blind eye, but if you lose then there'll be punishment."
Asano turned to walk away. Then he placed his arm around K's shoulders and smiled at the others.

"And missy will be studying with class A from now on, so you can forget about asking her for help."

His sickening grin sent chills down everyone's spines. K didn't just betray them, but none of them could think of a reason for her to move to class A.


"What? What did you say about girlie?"

"Strange, Sera-san didn't tell me anything."

Itona and Karma were just as shocked as everyone else. Class E decided that they would help Isogai. For pride, for revenge, for answers, they all had their reasons, but it was all for the same result. Karasuma-sensei stood just outside the classroom with a concerned look. He seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

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