My Ninja Way

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Chapter 1 The Past

I can't really remember much about my past. All I can remember is that I lived a happy life with my father (my mother had died when I was only two) and my three older brothers, and of course I was the youngest...not that it really matters. It could have been another family besides our. Everything was perfect, until the incident that changed everything...

"Go now! You three must keep her safe! Make sure all of you stay out of combat. I'll hold them off long enough for you to get to the forest! Go!" yelled an old man. Three boys ran off with a child in their arms. The sky was dark, but was lit red. Trails of smoke came spiraling out of a house. The strong gusts of wind were spreading sparks and ember everywhere. Flames were out of control and there was no way out. Out of no where, soldiers encircled the group of four. One of them spoke out and said demandingly, " Give us the girl and everyone is to be spared, if not, we will take her by force!"

"You'll never take her!", shouted one of the boys.

"I guess we have no choice. All of you men could have came out with little injuries, but I guess not. Get them men!" the soldier said. The soldiers took out swords and ran at them full speed shouting and yelling.  

"Keep Kira safe for now. I'm sorry father but this the only way to make it out alive. Hiro, Kai, I'm going to make a path and when you see it, you go and take it!" commanded the tallest boy. But before he could do anything, the old man jumped in. "I told you guys didn't I! Keep her safe! Don't let her get into danger!" following that statement, the old man charged through the pack of soldiers knocking out every soldier that was in his way and made a path for them. The boys took this chance and took off. " Whatever you do, don't let them get away!" cried the soldier. One of the soldiers shot and arrow at the group, but they were just a bit too late. The boys had barely made it into the forest.

Gasping for air, the boys rested a little while and look at their house. It was red hot and burnt to crisp. Nothing remained but a pile of charred wood and ember. They knew they had to keep on running, but the boys couldn't. Looking back at the group of soldiers, they now saw a man, who was the captain, stepped forward to "greet" their father. "Hello there old man. Now I'm going to ask you politely where the girl is."  

"Never! I'll never tell you, you big bag of sh-" the old man was cut off. The captain had slugged the man in the gut causing him to fall to his knees. "So, are you going to tell me now? I'm trying to be very generous here, but this is the last time, where is the girl?" the captain asked more forcefully. In response, all he did was smiled, stood up, and spat in the chief's face. Enraged of the old man's attitude, the captain knocked him to the ground, beat him up, and unsheathed his sword. Looking at it with a crude smile and stabbed the man. As if he was cutting a cake, he carefully withdrew the sword and wiped the blood on the old man's shirt and walked away. The man slowly slump to the ground and when he drew his last breathe, he looked to the forest and quietly said, "Live long and be safe my child." And the man was no more.

Back in the forest, all the boys were wide eyed and shocked at the sight they had just seen. Tears full of rage and sadness, the youngest son stood up slowly and began running toward the sight of where his deceased father had died. But just before he ran outside of the forest, the oldest one grabbed his arm. "Stop! Are you trying to get yourself killed? Do you want to become like him, huh? Dead and worthless?! He gave us a chance to run and what are you going to do? Blow this chance for us to get away safely with our sister? We promised him that we would keep her safe! Besides what more could we do for him than to run? All that your going to do running out there is going to get us all killed, but if that's what you want, then go ahead...die just like him for your foolishness." Shocked at the words of his brother said caused fresh tears to run down the side of his face. Looking up at both of his brothers, he saw that even they were crying. He was right. There wasn't anything they could do anymore. Heavy rain drops began to fall and landed on the little girl's temple. One by one, the boys got up and walked away silently. The youngest son took a final glance at the place they all grew up in and screamed, "DAMN IT!!! I HATE THIS WORLD!" Then turned around and ran through the forest.

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