Chapter 3

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The Message

As the bell rang for fourth period's end of class, I stretched out my arms and legs. God, I'm not fit for this kind of thing. I'd rather be moving around and about. Twirling a pencil on my finger, I purposely dropped my pencil, Kaido reached down, grabbed it, and looked at the pencil for a couple of seconds then gave it back to me. He smiles to me and I smile back.

Before I could stand up and go eat lunch, I was surrounded by a mob of people. Instantly I reached down to my sock and touched my kunai. But then I realized that they weren't going to do anything to me. So I slowly lean back in my chair and put on a smile. "Hi. Do you need something?" I asked politely. A boy with dark blue hair approached me. "Hi Konoha. I'm Daisuke, but you can call me Dai. I'm the class rep. If you need anything, just ask me." I nodded me head. All of a sudden all these people started to ask me: where do you live? Can I be your friend? Do you have a phone? Do you want to sit with us? I really like your eyes. Questions were literally attacking me and I was dying quick. I need a way to get out of here, I thought. Just then I saw Kaido got up and left. That was my cue to get out of here.

"Hey guys? Look I gotta go. I really need to eat lunch so yeah...," I said while getting up. Then I just booked it and ran for my life. I looked back and saw all of these people trailing me. Oh shit! I thought. How am I suppose to get out of here. Just then I saw the science room and I ran in there. Of course I reached for a smoke bomb and threw it just as people were getting in. The whole group of people went crazy and started screaming. Now my chance! Then I just took off.

I reached the rooftop door wondering if he got my message. I took a peek outside and saw him leaning against the railing with his back turned towards me. So I pulled out a shuriken and barged through the door and threw it. He dodged it and while he was occupied, I ran up to him. Just as he turned around and saw a glimps of me, I disappeared from sight, he looked around completely confuse. I grabbed him from behind, grabbed a kunai, put to his neck, and put half of his body off the roof.

"Ready to die yet?" I asked in a menacing voice with a hint of laughter behind it.

"Watch it Konoha, or I'll really fall off the roof and actually die." I pulled him back over the railing, gave him an innocent look and smiled brightly. "Hey buddy! How are you doing Kaido? You look the same as ever!" I said laughing while ruffling threw his hair.

Pushing my hand off his head and fixing his hair by giving it a shake. "I've never been better. That was really clever of you to write that message on the pencil. So what are you doing here Konoha...or can I called you Kira now?"

"Kira is fine as long as no one else is around. Kai wanted me to go to school. He said that all I do every day is nothing until I get a mission. So he decided to enroll me here at Sekai High School with a terrible name."

"Are you kidding me? Kai did? I thought that's what Atsuna would do? Well I guess that would make sense though. I mean Kai is kind of like a mother. So how are the missions going?"

"Fine I guess. Nothing too bad. Haven't really gotten a real mission in a really long time though. The almighty Wind Whisperer goes on a mission to retrieve a lost dog. I mean can you believe it?!"

Konoha Izuchi is an alias. Kira Sugetsu is my true name. My name is well known around the country. But I am known as Wind Whisperer. My speed is at a godly level, it's like I vanish into thin air and leave no scent or marking.

Me and Kaido catch up during lunch and enjoyed the time we spent, because after that we have to go back to acting like total strangers again. "I wish I can go and see your brothers again, but there's no way for me to do that. There's been so much going on in the family that lately that I can't. Oh well maybe next time in the future." I nodded. That would be nice I thought. "One more thing Kira, I just wanted to let you know. I really mis-" A shriek cut him off. A hawk came down from the sky and landed right in between us.

"Hey Storm. Got a mission for me?" I asked Storm. He screeched in reply. I grabbed the letter from his leg. I opened the letter and it read:

Please help us Wind Whisperer! Our village is going to be attacked tomorrow by a clan that goes by the name of External Fire. They always raid villages that are hidden deep in the mountains so that no help would come. One of our scouts saw them coming our way so we send this letter to you. Please lend us your speed and power. Your the only one who can save us!!!

-Village hidden in the Grass

As I finished the letter, I wrote a message saying: Very well. I will aid your village. I will be there at dusk. I rolled up the note and attached it Storm again.

"Give this message back to the Village hidden in the Grass. I'll be there later. " Storm then took off into the distance.

"Okay, now what Miss Kira. How are you going to get out of school? Are your going to pretend to be really sick and have them send you home or something?"

"Exactly Kaido. Only your going to help me with that part." I had a smirk on my face and told him my plan. All he could do was stutter and stare in disbelief.

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