Chapter 2

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New Identity

I wake up in cold sweat and warm tears. I looked all around me. fire, no dead person, and what not, I thought. Then I heard the sound of pounding feet. My door slammed opened and Kai was standing in the doorway panting heavily."Wh-wh-what happened Kira?! Are you okay? I heard you screaming and thought something was going on, so I rushed up here," my brother blurted out. He sounded very scared and worried.

Kai, my youngest brother who is older than me by 5 years. He's also known as Devastator Kai or Hell Bringer. I've only seen him once going berserk when I was 7 and had a group mission with my other two brothers. When you make him really mad or devastated, he goes all out in a huge rage and destroys everything in site and leaves no survivors. But apart from that he is a very caring person who loves nothing but protecting those close to him. That's why I love him so much and even I fall for his complexition. Dark Brown eyes, a charming face, and short, black hair that's always off to one side.

"Ohhh...I was screaming? Sorry Kai, nothing's wrong. I just had a bad dream, that's all. "

"Are you sure? Nothing wrong?"

I nodded my head hoping that he doesn't question me further. "Well okay, but you better hurry up and get ready. Remember, today is your first day of school?"

"Oh crap! I totally forgot! Thanks for reminding me Kai!"

I jump out bed, forgetting to untangle myself from the bed sheet. I fell face first into the floor. Looking up, I saw Kai failing miserably trying to hold in a laugh. My face burned with embarrassment while I untangled myself and ran into the bathroom. Shit! I thought. How could I forget! I've been getting ready for this day,but here I am trying to get ready in 20 minutes before school starts.

I stepped out of the steaming bathroom and ran to my dresser. I hastily grabbed my uniform and started changing. I tried to put on my socks while standing, but it never works cause I fell on my butt...hard. I groaned in pain saying,"That really fuckin hurt." After I got up from the wooden floor, I looked in the mirror to see if there was anything wrong with my hair. In my mirror I can see a girl with dark black long hair, a sweet face with deep blue eyes like those from the depths of the ocean gazing back at me.

Perfect, I thought. I ran towards the door, but I paused right before I grabbed the door, thinking whether to bring them or not. Oh what the heck! Might as well bring them. Turning around, I went to my desk opening a secret draw hidden right behind the desk. Grabbing shurikens (ninja stars), kunai knives (daggers), my pouch, a katana that can be transformed into what looked like to be a necklace. Oh and I almost forgot my ninja clothes. I hid the weapons all over my body carefully concealing them and put the clothes into my bag. There, now I'm finally done. Time to head downstairs.

"Good morning sleepy head. How are you doing this fine morning," said Hiro smirking slightly. He was sitting at the table with Atsuna and Kai.

Hiro, my second oldest brother 12 years older than me. When he's on his missions, many people refer to him as the Storm Bringer because when he fights, he's like a storm: relentless and shows no mercy towards his enemies. Though he has a bad personality, his outside appearance makes womans fall to their knees. Semi-long black hair, dark gray eyes like the dark storm clouds, and fairly tanned skin. Hiro has a long scar running up his upper leg that he hates showing people because of an incident relating to a failed mission.

"Shut up will you? I already had enough of a bad morning enough without you mocking me every single day," I retorted.

"Oh did I upset the little princess? Oh I'm so sorry. Perhaps I should make it up to you by driving you to school."

"No thanks. I'm pretty sure you have to get to work or else I'll tell Atsuna that you been late to work every single day."

"Wait a minute, you what Hiro? You mean to tell me that you've been going to work late every day?!" Atsuna did sound or looked happy.

Atsuna, my oldest brother who is older than me by 15 years. His other name is Raging Flames. Unlike other ninjas, he is one to be feared because of his abnormal ability. Born with an extermely rare condition that allows a born ninja to use flames from their body. From what I know, there are only about 10 people in the world who have this condition, hencing his name Raging Flames. Atsuna is always strict with me and can be very overly protective of me going on very dangerous missions. Even just at his looks intimidating to people who are not use to him. Crimson red eyes lie those inthe hottest flames, a serious complexion for his face, and short, black hair that is always spiked up.

"I-I-I don't know what your talking about. Hahaha...what the hell was that for Kira?" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Now, now you two don't start a fight in the kitchen. Remember Kira you got school today so hurry up and eat your breakfast. You guys can deal with each other later. Okay?"

I stared at Kai. "Yeah, your right." I went around the table and kissed him on the cheek, then to Atsuna, and when I came to Hiro, I just gave him a hug. He looked disappointed. "Bye guys! I'll be back before dinner if I don't get a mission!" I said over my shoulder. I closed the front door and I heard Hiro say,"How come I never get a goodbye kiss. I only get hugs." Oh stop complaining Hiro I thought. You only get hugs because you always tease me. I ran through through the lonely neighborhood and into the city.

I soon arrive at school just before the bell rang. Sprinting to my classroom, I met my homeroom teacher just outside the door. "Hi there. You must be Konoha Izuchi, the new transferred student right?" the man asked. I hesitated, but then nodded my head. "I'm Mr.Taki, your homeroom teacher." Upon closer look, Mr. Taki had messy brown hair, brown eyes, and was very well dressed. "Okay! Shall we go in now?"

"Sure," I said. Feeling very excited, but cautious, I followed him into the room.

Peeking into the class, I could see student turned around talking to one another. Some standing talking in groups and just some sitting at the desks sleeping. "Okay everybody, go back to your seats and settle down. We have a new transferred student." I heard the students whisper to each other.

"Hey, do you think this person's cute?"

"I hope it's a girl."

"No way! It's gotta be a boy."

"Every one, this is Konoha Izuchi." He gestures me into the class. I slowly walked to the front of the class. I bowed my head in respect, "I'm Konoha Izuchi. Nice to meet you all." I look up and saw every was whispering again.

"Dude, that chick is so damn hot. "

"I know right man."

"Wow she's so pretty."

"Konoha, you'll be sitting right next to Kaido." I see a boy raise his hand. Wait a minute, I thought. Kaido? Kaido Kotetsu? I haven't seem him in years. I wondered how he's doing. But, I calmly walked to my desk, right next to the window. Turning back to Kaido, I looked at him again. Thick golden brown hair, green eyes, a slender face, and a big smile. Wow, I thought. Nothing has change. He's still the same old Kaido I saw 6 six years ago. Mr.Taki gave some more announcements and the bell rang. From here on out, I must be careful. A single mistake and my identity as a ninja is out.


Thanks for all of people for reading this story please vote and comment on how well I'm doing. This is my first time doing this so please point out any really big mistakes. Thanks for your support and I'll try to upload these as soon as I can.

My Ninja WayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora