Chapter 5

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Just a little but longer, I said to myself. Nightfall was approaching fast and I could tell I was coming close to the village. Hang in there, I kept repeating those words to myself. I slowed myself to a stop just before the village gate. Damn, this village really knows the true meaning of "hidden". I swore I got lost a couple of times if I hadn't seen those really fine grey threads leading me towards the village. Heck, I nearly killed my self on those thread couple of times too. I approached the gate and tipped my hat a little bit higher. Oh! I nearly forget to put my mask on. Pulling the clothing underneath the chain mail, I put it over my mouth and nose. Now I'm ready to go in.

"STOP! Who are you? Identify your self," commanded the villagers at the gate. I raise my hands, backed off and replied, "I am Wind Whisperer. The ninja you have hired to protect and possibly kill the clan External Flames."

"If that is so, take off your hat and cloak so we can identify your emblem." I walked closer to the villagers into the light and did as they commanded. As soon as I took off my cloak, the villagers' eyes fell right onto the white flames: my only emblem. Instantly their eyes lit up with hope.

"You may proceed Wind Whisperer." I nodded my head in gratitude that they let me in.

"Wait just a minute! How do we know this is the real Wind Whisperer. I heard that there were a lot of people trying to copy her. If she is the real deal, then she should be fast as lightning, right? How about so call "Wind Whisperer", I'm the fastest boy in the village, so I'll take take necklace of yours and if you can take it from me, then you can have it back and I'll admit that I'm wrong and your the real Wind Whisperer."

"Hey Saki! That's very rude. All of us can tell she is the one only Win-" I hold up my hand to stop the man from talking any further.

"Thats quite alright. I don't mind doing this is if it'll prove that I'm the real deal. I get this often when I go on other missions too. I understand that he's worried about his village. Okay kid, show me what you got."

I take off my necklace and throw it to him, being careful not to trigger the transformation of the necklace. Saki caught and said,"Alright. We'll begin on my mark. Ready? Set, GO!" He took off into the woods running as fast as he can. Foolish boy, I thought. I'll probably only need to jog to catch up to you. I started off as a walk, slowly increasing with every step. Then I was at a jog, but my jog compared to a villager's is probably the speed between a run and a sprint. I soon caught with the boy jogging right next to him. Saki's jaw dropped at the speed I was going and almost tripped. "I'm not going to let you catch me!" he said and tried to speed up which was pointless. I reached my arm out and grabbed him.

"Gotcha!" I took my necklace back and put the boy over my shoulder and whisked out of sight and in front of the village gate again. All of the villagers' eyes were wide as the moon and their jaws dropped to the ground. Putting the boy down gently, I asked him, "Now do you believe that I am the famous Wind Whisperer? After all, you did experienced it first handed."

Saki nodded his head and retreated behind the group of men. A man stepped up to me and said,"I am very sorry for his actions, but please don't take this the wrong way. Anyways, please come this way." I nodded my head, grabbed my stuff, put them on(except the hat), and follow them into the village.

Inside was a sight the village, everyone just looked and whispered at me like I was a weirdo. Well maybe it was because I have a cloak and a backpack on. Again another man approached me, but this time, he was very old.

"Greetings Wind Whisperer. We have been expecting you ever since your hawk arrived. My name is Gillchi, but you can call me Gii. We are very fortunate to have you come all this way into the mountains to help us. We are most grateful." The old man bowed his head, but I rushed forward to stop him.

"Thank you, but you do not have to bow your head to me. I would also like to say to everyone who is gathered here to listen to my words. You don't have to be formal with me. Just call me Wind. When Fire arrives here tomorrow, I'd like everyone to be careful. It will be dangerous and I do not want anyone to get hurt. I will wait for the precise moment to strike but until then, just bear with me. Spread the word about my arrival and the news I have given you. Good night everyone." Gii showed me the way to the place where I will rest for the night. As we arrived to my room I bowed my head.

"Thank you for your hospitality Gii. Please be safe tomorrow. Good night." I closed the door and dumped my stuff on the ground of my room. Whew! Man that was tiring. Taking off my cloak, I went to blow out the lights, and crawled into my futon. I couldnt really sleep right away because there was so much on my mind right now. Well whatever thinking is not really going to help me with anything now is it. I closed my eyes and tried to relax. Soon, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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