Chapter 9

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Why Can't I?

Lunch lines...that's all I have to say. I look at the choas that was right in front of me and just stared.  Everyone was pushing and shoving one another to get their lunch. Don't tell me I have to go through all of this just to get food. I groaned and walked away and head back to the classroom. Is this what I get for not bringing my lunch? Or maybe its because of what happened this morning? Why would you do this to me gods????!!!!! What did I ever do in my previous life to deserve this???!!! Opening the classroom door, I sit down and put my head down. The hunger was slowly eating away my stomach and draining my energy. I really want some food. Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder and hear the sound of crinkling plastic. I immediately looked up and saw a girl with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. "Hey Konoha!" I blinked and said, "Hi. Do you need something?" She giggled and handed me a melon pan inside a plastic bag. I pointed to myself, " Is this for me?" She nodded and replied, "Well all of us don't want you to die on us." I smiled and opened the bag.

She sat down and smiled, "The name's Izuru. Nice to meet ya." She hold out her hand and I shake it. "So what happened the other day? I heard that you collapsed in the hall ways after lunch." I put on a "guilty" smile and replied, " Well you see, I was sort of sick the week before and I insisted to my brothers that I wanted to go to school yesterday. I guess I wasn't fully rested and healed yet." I take a bite from the bread and chewed. After swallowing, I looked up again and saw Izuru looking at me with sparkling eyes. I kind of flinched at the sight of her and asked, "Uhhh Izuru? What's up? You're kinda creeping me out here." She snaps out of her trance and looks at me again. "Oh when you said you had brothers, I was like, WOAAAHHH!!! YOU HAVE BROTHERS????" She threw her hands back to show disbelief, but then rested her hands on my hands. "How many do you have? What are their names? How old are they? Are they older than you? Can I adopt one of them?"

"Uhhhh...I have three of them. The oldest one is named Atsuna and he's 32. Hiro is my second oldest and he's 29. And Kai is my youngest brother and he's 22. And no you can't adopt them."

"Wow I want older brothers. All I have is a younger sister. All she does is cry and complain that I don't play with her." For the rest of lunch, I kept listening to her going on and on and on about her little sister and why she wants brothers.

The bell rings, marking the end of the day and right before I step out of the classroom, Izuru stops me. "Hey Konoha! We should totally exchange phone numbers!" I look at her all guilty. "Sorry but I don't have a phone." Her jaw drops, "What?! How do you not have a phone? They're like the best invention mankind has ever made, right after cake of course."

"Yeah sorry. I'll try to convince Atsuna to get me one. It'll probably be better for me anyways." She nodded and said goodbye. I smiled at her and waved. 


Closing the door to the house, I walked inside and took off my shoes. Tiptoeing past the kitchen door, I went upstair and put down my bag. I changed out of my clothes and flopped down on my bed. Wait a minute. Did I just make a friend today?? I sat up and smiled. "YAAAAY!!!! IM NOT A LONER!!!!!" I laid back down and hugged my pillow. I'm sooo happy that I could die. And with that I slowly fell asleep.

Waking up to the sound of knocking on my door, I groggily got out of bed and opened the door. "What do you want Kai?"

"Its time to eat. Wash your face and hurry downstairs" I closed the door and walked to the bathroom. Ugh when can he not act like a mother. I know that I'm the youngest and I have to listen to him, but that doesn't mean he can act like a mother. I splash cold water on my face and wiped it with a towel. I head down the stairs and sat down next to Hiro. Poking my side he said, "How was your beauty sleep?" I pushed his hand away and retorted,"How was your day at work? I bet you got yelled at again by another guy for flirting with his girlfriend. Hiro averted his eyes and sits up straight, "I don't know what you're talking about." I laughed and picked up my choptsticks. "Mhmm, that's what they all say."

"Hiro, can you stop picking on Kira? You act like a child when you do." Ouch, somebody just got burned. Just leave it up to Atsuna to insult Hiro. I giggled and started eating.

After eating, I was about to go to my room again when Atsuna stopped me. "Kira, stay here. We need to talk." Oh boy, this can't be good. I walk back to the dinner table and sat down. "Sooo, what is it you want to talk about."

"Kira, I know this is going to be hard on you but, listen to what we have to say." I turned to Kai,"What's going on Kai?"

"I'm sorry Kira but, all three of us have decided to take you off of the missions and have you live a normal life as a teenager." I turned back to Atsuna and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. "Wh-what do you mean you'll take me off of missions? You mean I won't be able to go on them anymore?" Atsuna shakes his head, "All three of us believed it was for your own good." I scoffed,"For my own good? If you want to do something that's good for me, let me go on missions. You know how much they mean to me!"

"Kira, listen to us. We're just trying to keep you safe."

"So let me guess, you're taking me off the missions because I got hurt the other day? That doesn't make any sense!! I've gotten hurt plenty of times on other missions. Why take me off right now??!!" Tears began to well up in my eyes. Atsuna reaches out to grab my hand and squeezes them lightly, "All of us just care about you."

I stand up abruptly,"Well guess what?! If you care about me so much, then let me go on missions instead letting of me stay in this shit hole! I didn't ask for you to do this for me!" With that I walked away and slam the door to my room. Jumping on the bed, I bawled me eyes out into my pillow. This was suppose to be a good day. I made a new friend and now those three idiots had to go and ruin it. Laying in bed for hours upon hours, I finally cried myself to sleep.


Hey guys!!! Sorry for not updating for a couple weeks. School has been cramming me with homework. So hope you guys enjoyed it and the first chapter for my new book: White Fox is out. So go and check it out. Peace~

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