Chapter 8

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Starting Again

I'm running through a forest and i break out into a clearing with a cliff at the end. There was a man holding someone over the edge of the cliff and another tied together at his feet. The man made the person bound together stand up and held a kunai knife up to his neck. The man spoke out, "Choose, who will you save?" He said the name but i couldn't hear the name properly because of the wind. Without thought i ran towards the man and he dropped the person over the cliff. I reached out my hand and I blacked out again.

I slowly open my eyes to the feeling of being shaken softly. A voice was calling my name. I slowly got up and turned my head. "Kira! Kira! Are you okay?" Atsuna had a worried look on his face. "Yeah I'm okay...what happened?"

"Well you were talking in your sleep saying 'dont do this' and 'I'm sorry'. What was that about?"

"Oh...well I was dreaming about...Hiro eating my cake and that i smacked him across the face because of that. Sorry, I must've scared you. Don't worry it's nothing bad, trust me."

"Well okay, i trust you Kira. Come on, its time to change your bandage." I got up and sat upright on my bed and held out my arm. Atsuna began unraveing the bandage and i saw my wound. The color was almost back to normal. I sighed in relief. " I going back to school tomorrow?" I ask. Atsuna nodded his head and said," Of course you are. You don't want to miss school on your first week. You already had to leave early cause you were "sick" and had to go on a mission. "

"Alright. By the way, what time is it?"

"Its about 5:30 in the morning right now. So you can go back to sleep and I'll wake you up in time for school." I nodded in agreement. Atsuna grabbed the old bandage and walked out the door. I sighed and just layed in bed thinking about the dream that I just had. Who was that man holding two people hostage? Where have I heard that voice? I kept thinking about it and guessed that there was no way it would ever happen in my life and fell asleep again.

I'm awoken again by someone shaking me softly. I open my eyes and saw Hiro waking me up. Slowly getting up while rubbing my eyes, I asked "Where's Atsuna? Didn't he say that he would wake me up?"

"He said he would, but he suddenly got a call from work and had to leave." I sighed. Too bad I couldn't see Atsuna. I really wanted to thank him for being by my side the entire time I was sleeping. Oh well nothing I can do.

I slowly got out of bed and looked at the clock. It was glaring at me in red 6:30. Ugh, I feel like crap and it's only seven in the morning. I got out of bed and made my way to the shower like a slug. In a few minutes I was in the shower with hot water dripping off my body. I take a look at my arm and looked at the cut. It wasn't that deep but it hurt like hell.

After I was finished showering, I went to my drawers and took out my uniform. Its hard leading two different lives. But its okay because I at least get to have some freedom when I go on missions I thought. Before I head out the door I made sure to take my necklace and hide a few weapons on me.

Dropping off my bag on the table in the kitchen, I went to the toaster and put some bread in and made eggs. Hearing the sound of footsteps, I turned around and saw Kai walking towards me. "You're down here early." I tilted my head at the statement. "Don't look at me like that. You always come down for breakfast around like 7:30. What's the occasion?"

"There is none. Why? Is it against the law that I can't make my own breakfast in the morning?" I said. Kai just giggled and patted my head. "Awww. Did someone wake up on the wrong side of bed today?" I smacked his hand away. "You know I hate it when you do that. It makes me feel shorter than I already am." Having said that I take the eggs off the pan and grabbed the peice of toast that just popped up. I put my breakfast down on the table and went to the fridge to get some water. Coming back from the fridge, I set down my water and looked at my plate and saw that someone took a bite of my toast and eggs. I instantly turned around and glared at Kai. "You ate some of my eggs didn't you." He puts his hands up in the air,"Woah there Kira. Last time I did that, I got smacked in the face by you. It left a bruise there for a week." Kai put his hand on his left cheek and lightly rubbed it as if I had just hit him. "Very funny. So if it wasn't you, then who? It couldn't have been a ghost."

"Morning every one." Hiro was walking out of the hall and into the kitchen when I noticed something. I walked up to him and saw a crumb of toast on his lips. Standing on my toes, I grabbed his collar. "You're the one who ate some of my eggs, weren't you." Hiro scoffed and a hooked his head. "Liar! There's no one else in the house except me you and Kai. Out with it!" I shook him and stepped on his toes. "Ow! Kira what are you talking about! Are you sure it wasn't Kai?"

"Hiro you better confess if you don't want to get smacked like me." Hiro gulped and sighed. "Fine it was me. It just smelled so good that I just had to." Feeling a little better but still pissed, I flicked him on the forehead and sat down. I look back at Hiro as he was rubbing his forehead, "You better not do that again if you want to live."

After finishing my meal, I placed my dirty plate in the sink and grabbed my backpack. "I'm leaving for school!"

"Have a good day Kira!"

I run outside the door and checked my phone: 7:45. Ugh, I thought. Stupid Hiro, if only he hasn't eaten my breakfast I've would've been halfway there already. Even though I promised Atsuna that I wouldn't use my skills other than missions but its something that I have to use now or else I'll be late. So I stopped walking and closed my eyes. Breathing in and out deeply, I try to focus and visualize the wind currents around. I open my eyes and ran, going with the wind currents.

As soon as I saw the school coming into view, I slowed down and checked my phone again: 7:55. Not bad, I thought. But I could've been faster though. Well I shouldn't be complaining because it takes about 20 minutes to get to school.

Walking into class, I saw Kaido talking with some of his friends. I waved at him and he waved back. Quietly I went to my desk and sat down. I laid my head down on the desk and sighed. I really need to get used to this life, I thought. I hear footsteps approaching me. I look up and saw Kaido with a small smile "Yo! How did it go?" I shrugged and showed him my bandage. His smile turn into a slight frown. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay? What happened?" He began to bombard me with questions. I held up my hands and told him to calm down. "Calm down Kaido. I just got a small cut during the mission. I'll be okay." He sighed and patted my head. "As long as you're okay", he said. The bell rang and he retreated back to his desk as soon as the teacher entered the room. I lifted my head up and looked forward. Thinking to myself, let's try this again.


Thank you to all my readers. I'm am very very sorry I didn't updating anything in the past 6 months. I had sooo many things to do and even worse I had writer's block. So hopefully I'll be able to post new chapters more often now. Also I've been working on a new story and I'm going to be posting it soon. So keep your eyes out and keep supporting me!!!! Thanks you guys!!!

PS: I totally forgot to say this but Kira is a 3rd year in high school, meaning she's 17 years old. Sorry for not telling you guys!!!

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