Chapter 7

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Back Home Again

Racing through the dark forest with trees blurred out, I checked the sky. The sky was painted with faded blue and crimson red. Got to get home fast if I dont want to be caught out by nightfall. Plus i dont want to miss an extra day of school just because i counldn't make it home on time. So I picked up my speed and everything was a faded blurr. I couldn't see anything execpt for the things in front of me and let me tell you it's really hard to navigate like this in the dark. But soon I was reaching the entrance to the city so I slowed to a stop and went up the same tree and changed out of my ninja clothes and back into my casual ones. Hopping down from the tree I casually walked into the city and onto the side walk. No one took notice of me and I slowly made it back to my neighbor hood without getting stopped by anyone or having anyone see me.

I reached my front door and quietly pushed opened the door. Looking all around, I tried to make it to my room by passing the kitchen. "And where do you think your going Kira?" a voice called out. Slowly turning around, I saw Atsuna at the table reading a book. "Hahaha...I'm home?"I replied back. He puts down his book and looks at me and motions me to sit at the table. Walking slowly to the table, I noticed that Hiro and Kai were at the table too. Grabbing a chair and sitting down I tried to cover my left arm. "So how was the mission?"

"It was fine. Nothing really major to report."

" that so?"  Atsuna said. I nodded. "So...what happened to your arm?  You injured yourelf when on the mission didn't you? It's pretty rare for you to injure yourself on one. Kira, show me your arm."

"Oh don't worry, it's fine. There's nothing to worry about."

"I know but just show me your arm. All I'm doing is just checking if its okay."

"I told its fine!" I yelled, standing up suddenly, knocking the chair back and looked at Kai and Hiro.  They both had faces full of concern. 

" Kira stop hesitating and show me you arm now!" Atsuna shouted. I slowly lifted my left arm up and Atsuna walked over and began unwrapping the bandage. "Hey Atsuna, you know you don't have to do that you know. My arm is fine. I checked the depth of the wound, its not that deep. See it's absolu-" I looked down at my wound seeing that the skin around the wound was starting to turn black. Looking around at my brothers, their face were in shock. "Kira," Atsuna said clamly but with concern in his voice. "How did you get this cut and who did it?"

"Umm, I was protecting a village from the clan External Fire and I knocked all the clan member out execpt the leader. Then I fought with him and I got a little careless and he cut me."

"Okay, but what was his name? Did he tell you?" I nodded my head and replied, "Yeah he told me his name was Shin. Why Atsuna am I going to die?" His face composure remained calm but I could tell there was worry in his eyes.

"You will die if we don't treat this fast. That clan you fought against is known for making slow reacting poison. Damn it! If I had known you were fighting against this clan, I would have gone instead."

"Hey Atsuna, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get injured let alone getting poisoned. Is there anything to get rid of it?"

"It's okay Kira, you're gonna be fine. We just need to make an antidote. Hiro how long do you think it'll take to make the antidote?"

Hiro got up and looked around in a cupboard that we keep all of our ingredients for antidotes in. Pulling out some dried up bark, weeds, roots, twigs, spices, then answered,"Umm probably in like an hour or two." Atsuna nodded and rewrapped the bandage around my arm and walked away.

I looked down and tears began welling up in my eyes. They started to drop onto my hands that were balled up into a fist. Why an I so careless sometimes!!  I looked back up again as tears began to fall down my face trying to reassure all three of my brothers.

"Don't worry guys.  I'll be alright." But when i began to walk, my vision began to blur and I started to black out. Then Atsuna, Hiro and Kai appear by my side and caught me gently in their arms.  I managed to say two words before I fainted: "I'm sorry" and closed my eyes.

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