Chapter Two

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I stepped just outside the door before Cade pushed me up against the wall "what the hell was that?" He growled angrily as he stared into my eyes

"It's not what it looks like, she was just.." I was cut off when I tried to explain

Cade's growl got even more threatening, it didn't really phase me though, being a beta had its advantages "not what it looks like? She was lying on top of you, how the hell do you explain that?" Cade's voice became louder

I pushed him back away from me, I hated anyone pushing me around and I had let him hold me against the wall for as long as I could stand it "we were messing around, she went to grab the controller and ended up on top of me! That's it!" I yelled without meaning to, my patience was wearing thin

His face became even angrier if it were possible and I noticed his fists were starting to clench tighter "do you expect me to believe that bullshit?" He yelled. A crowd had started to gather around us, apparently most of the pack living in the house had heard us yelling

The door to the lounge opened and Electra came walking out "Cade, stop" she said crossing her arms a scowl clear on her face "he's telling the truth" she put it bluntly

Cade just growled lowly "you're training with me tomorrow" he glared at me before walking off, I watched him as he turned the corner, then I looked at everyone staring

"What the fuck is everyone looking at?" I growled menacingly and everyone began to walk away whispering quietly as they did

I noticed that the only one who hadn't moved was Electra "Kyan, I-"

I cut her off before she could continue by walking toward the front door, slamming it behind me, I had to let off some steam and the perfect way would be to change into my wolf form. I needed a run, the thought of training with Cade tomorrow only pissed me off more. He was ruthless in his training and there is no way he'd go easy on me

I headed into the forest, stripping off my clothes only when I was clear of people looking. Not that I minded people looking but right now I needed to clear my head. I let my body relax and thought of my wolf. I instantly felt my body change and when I opened my eyes they were of my wolfs

I ran free through the forest for what felt like hours and the only thing that could possibly make it better would be my mate by my side. I shook those thoughts out of my mind and picked up the pace. Each minute taking away the tension built up in my body, I decided I had to head back, it was getting late and Shauna would be over in a couple of hours

I found my clothes where I left them, putting them on I walked back inside the pack house and made a bee line for my bedroom.

Cade stopped me half way up the hall with his arms crossed "I've been looking for you" he stated flatly, obviously not over our argument before "the sentinels have smelt more rogues on the border"

I knew what this statement meant and without a word followed him to his office downstairs. I checked the clock on the wall of the hallway and saw it read 6:45pm. I only had an hour and fifteen minutes before Shauna showed up and there was no way I'd let this meeting go longer then that

I found myself in Cade's office with him, his parents, the Luna and Electra who were all discussing how we'd try to stop the rogue problem. I was going to suggest just killing everything that we came across and hope that it was a rogue but I knew I would only cause more problems

We had gone through a lot of ideas and it was almost 8pm. I was getting impatient but Cade sighed and ended the meeting when he realised that none of the ideas we had come up with would really help the problem. How do you stop wild, crazy werewolves from entering our territory and ripping someone apart?

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