#11: don't underestimate girl power

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"This is the sickest movie." Luke breathed, his shoulders brushing mine as he leant forward. His eyes were glued to the screen. "How have I not heard of Resident Evil?"

"You're cinematic experience is low," I smirked, "clearly."

I jumped when I heard a bang, having not seen any guns in the scene. It all made sense when I heard my brother let out a string of curses.

"Mum has got to move this stupid fucking plant. Who the fuck keeps potted plants near the doorway? Idiots, that's who." He growled to himself, before he noticed Luke and I in the lounge room.

"Someone seems like they had fun at Uni." I grinned mockingly.

"Don't grow up." He groaned. "It's a goddamn trap."

"You're the one who chose to do Medical Science." I pointed out, letting my chin rest on the back of the couch.

"Medical Science?" Luke whistled. "Impressive."

"Not really. I think he just wants to get weed legalized." I smiled innocently.

"Yeah, fuck off." Phoenix mumbled. "Anyway, what are you two doing? Watching movies?" He rolled his eyes. "No one actually watches the movie. I'm not stupid. I was a teenage boy once."

"Don't be an idiot." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest as I tried to glare at Phoenix.

As I've stated before – my glaring tactics weren't all that threatening, so to no ones surprise Phoenix merely started laughing at me. "I was joking around." His tone indicated that he had been partially serious.

"Well neither of us want to know about your teenage activities." I stuck my tongue out in disgust. "Especially me."

"But Grace Hendrik is something everyone wants to hear about." He grinned deviously, before waving his hand and walking into the kitchen.

"Grace Hendrik." I repeated with a huff, before turning my attention back to the movie.

"She was the hottest senior." Luke hummed, but quickly stopped when I punched him in the stomach.

30 minutes later Phoenix opened the connecting doors between the kitchen and lounge room. I paused the movie and glanced over my shoulder, raising my eyebrow. What did he want?

"I came to tell you Katherine called." He held his hand up defensively.

"Why didn't you give me the phone?" I asked, straightening up. She had been avoiding me all day, I would've really liked to speak to her.

"Because she told me to give you a message." Phoenix paused. "Are you two fighting or something?" He rolled his eyes.

teach me to be innocent, l.hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now