chapter 1

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-before I get to far into the story I would just like to point out that my story basically starts about when America finds out that Aspen is a castle gaurd. (In the first book, the selection) hope you enjoy!

(America's pov) I lay in bed wondering about him. I knew it was him. I had seen him with my own eyes. "Aspen" I said allowed. No one was in my room at this hour. I wanted to know what he was doing here. His name played through my mind like a broken record. Over and over again. It just wouldn't stop. But I didn't care. I began to truly feel as if Maxon was more annoying than caring. I began to drift off. All of my dreams were filled with Aspen and more worries to come.
I awoke when my maids entered the room.
"There is someone here to see you." Said Lucy
"Thank you, let them in."
Lucy smiled and her and the rest of my maids left the room and Aspen entered. He closed the door behind him. I jumped out of bed and wrapped my arms around him. I looked him in the eyes. His glittered with tears and so did mine.
"I've missed you so much, Mer." He whispered into my ear.
'I've missed you more than you can ever imagine" I said with a huge smile. Aspen pushed a stray piece of hair behind my ear.
"It's been way to long" he said as he leaned in and kissed me. I knew it was wrong. But his kiss was like a drug, I just couldn't get enough.
"I should have never let you leave. I'm so sorry. Will you ever forgive me?"
"I already have" I whispered. He looked at me and smiled.
"Maxon is feeling under the weather today so me and you should go out yo the gardens together."
"Are you sure that's a good idea? What if we got caught?" I bit my lip.
"I'll take that risk." He leaned in and kissed me again. I felt safe in his arms. "We'll meet at noon" he said
"Promise?" I asked. He smiled at me and kissed me again. I knew the answer was yes. I couldn't wait to be alone in peace and quite with Aspen. I couldn't help myself. All day I practically danced around the castle. Nobody said a thing about it. When the cloche finally struck noon I headed out to the gardens. Aspen was sitting on one of the benches. He stood up when he saw me. It was strange being away from him and nows he's in an unfamiliar place, with me. He embraced me. I was happy to be here with him.
"Mer?" He asked
"How have been."
"Fine, I guess. I'm better now that you're here."
"I'm glad"
"What are you doing here."
"I'm a castle gaurd. I was assigned to your room."
"That's fantastic!"
"Mer, I've missed you alot."
"I've missed you too, Aspen."
"Do you have feelings for maxon. I know your here trying to win his heart and I don't want to ruin your chances with him if you do."
"You've got nothing to worry about. When I first met him I thought we had something, but I just lost it and realized that I didn't like him after all."
"We should get away"
"Aspen, are you crazy! That would never work."
"I would do anything to be with you."
"I know I wanna be with you to, but is it worth the risk?"
"Only if you believe it is. I think it is. We could escape and what are they gonna do track you down and hold you prisoner."
"Probably not"
"Then let's do it. We can get married and live where they'll never find us."
"I would love that. So what's the plan?"

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