Chapter 8

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Okay I've got everything under control now. Enjoy!

America's Pov:

"Who's trespassing on this land?"

We didn't move. I stood there in shook. Aspen didn't move either. I was scared.

A man walked up to me. He stared me straight in the eyes. "I know her!" He yelled.

He turned his attention back to me. "I've seen you before, but who are you really."

"I could ask you the same thing."

He grabbed my arm. "Leave her alone" Yelled Aspen. He stepped in between me and the man.

He let go of my arm. "And who are you? Some peasant just here to get in my way. Leave if you've got nothing better to do."

"I've not going anywhere unless my she's coming with me."

"This puny thing is her?"

Aspen shoved him. "She's not puny."

I stepped up. I stared down at the ground. "What do you want from us?" I mumbled.

He grabbed my chin. "What was that. Couldn't here ya down there."

He pushed me back and I landed on my butt. Aspen crouched next to me.
"What do you want from us!" I screamed.

The man smirked. "Lil Missy you're on my land. I bet you're a long way from home. Why don't you go be just another one of their numbers and forget this ever happened." The men around him chuckles and smirked.

"What's so funny?" Asked Aspen.

The man nodded to another man. "Well the deal is we can't let you go."

I stood up. "I don't have anywhere to go anyways. So I'll keep walking till I find something." I began walking away. Aspen followed me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It ripped me backwards. I landed on my back. I was staring at the sky.

"What part of you can't leave did you not understand. Some people." He yelled throwing his hands up.

I stared up into the sky. Aspen was sitting up next to me. He was looking into my eyes. "Are you alright?"

He kept talking to me. I felt my head fall backwards. My eyes became heavy. Aspens face was turning white.
I could tell he was screaming. I couldn't tell what he was saying. "Aspen, Aspen...Aspen......" I heaved. I stared up at him. The world began to spin.

Then it was black.

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