Chapter 5

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Dinner was loud. I sat up in my room all night. I could here everything. I wanted Aspen to come and talk to me, but he didn't. I didn't even think he was outside the door. But I guess I didn't care.
I walked out onto the balcony and looked out into the night.

"It's so lovely tonight" Said Maxon.

He was down below talking to someone but I couldn't see who it was.

"It sure is" she said

"It's wish every night could be like this."

I watched him brush her hair out of her face. I didn't know if I was jealous or not. I loved Aspen. But, this was just gross.

I ran out into the hall and found Aspen. I pulled him into my room

"What's wrong Mer?" He asked

"We are leaving now. We are going to jump out the window on the opposite side of the castle."


"Yes now, Aspen I have a plan and I can't wait anymore."

I left my room and walked into the room next to mine. I walked out on the balcony and shoved the vase off. I heard the girl scream as me and Aspen were walking down the stairs.

We made it to the mid and both climbed out then we made our brake for the woods. We ran as fast as we could. We didn't stop until we felt safe.

"What's your plan now?" Asked Aspen.

"I.. I don't know I hadn't gotten this far."

"Well we can't go home now."

We kept walking further and further into the woods making sure we were safe.

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