Chapter 9

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America's Pov:

I awoke in a tent. I sat up and looked around. My body was aching and my head was pounding. I unzipped the tent and stepped outside.

I breathed in the air. Where am I? I looked around me. I spotted a campfire and slowly made my way toward it. I heard voices. They grew louder as I got closer. I stopped walking.

Aspen was sitting at the campfire. He stood up when he saw me. He walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me. "Mer, are you alright."

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm fine. What's going on here?" I asked.

"Mer." He looked me in the eyes. "Please don't panic."  He bit his lip.

"Aspen?" I whispered.

He sighed. "We're like prisoners. In a sense. We can't leave here or wherever we're going. If we did we could spill their secret."

I pulled away from Aspen. I felt betrayed.

"Mer you've been out for thirteen hours. I know this is a lot but we'll figure it out together."

"What's going to happen to us?"

"Mer, just stay calm."

"This obviously wasn't a good idea." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

Pain washed over his face. "I'm sorry." He sighed. "I.... I just didn't want to lose you and maybe this wasn't...."

Guilt jabbed into me and I put my hand on his shoulder. "I didn't mean it like that. Of course this was the right move. To be with you. I mean. Maybe we just stumbled into the wrong area."

I wasn't going to admit that we had left at a bad time. I didn't want to add anymore file to the fire I had just started.

His hand grabbed mine. "At least we're together." A small smile spread on his face.

I smiled too. "You're right. We have each other. Everything is going to be okay."

He pulled me closer and I closed my eyes. His lips brushed mine and I let myself sink into him.

I had to have an open mind. There was no way we were going to get through this without each other. I needed him and he needed me. From now on we were a team, and I had to be a team player.

I pulled away and looked back at the campfire.

"What's the next step?" I asked.

"We're gonna have to play puppet while we come up with a plan. They won't harm us or anything. We just have to obey and listen to what they say. Until we escape or they let us go."

"This isn't adding up. Who are they?"

"They're the revolution. At least that's what they call themselves. Next level rebellion. They're goal is to wipe out the government and start a new one."


"I know. But maybe it won't be as bad as it sounds."

No, this was bad. They wanted to wipe out everything and start with a clean slate.

How would they start? Or where would they start?

Maybe the first step in their plan was getting rid of me and Aspen.

"We're screwed." I cried. This would not end well.

The Selection: America And AspenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz