Chapter 1

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"Jarvis. What time is it?" I ask

"4:38 am, sir"

'Crap.' I think to myself

"You have a meeting at 9 o'clock tomorrow. I recommend some sleep." Jarvis says

"Sleep? I haven't gotten more than 2 hours of sleep every night." I said, getting rather annoyed.

I'm working on a new suit after I blew up all of my previous ones last Christmas. This one is a secret though -even to Pepper- because it's just for emergencies. So that is why I have to work on it at night. This new suit will be completely different than my old ones. It won't be powered by the arc reactor, given that I don't have that anymore. The power will come from an internal battery in the suit. And it will only run if I am in it.

"Jarvis," I started "It's done."

I stood back and looked at it. I was proud of the look.

"Let's suit up." I said

I walked over to the platform and the pieces connected around me.

"Alright, hit it." I said

I looked in the large mirror on the wall behind me and watched. The red suit turned completely invisible. You couldn't tell anything was there. I started walking around the room and never did I see myself once.

"Well done, sir." I heard Jarvis say

I heard the door open and I turned around. Pepper was walking in the door, on the phone. I just stood there, knowing she couldn't see me.

"I don't even know if it's here. It could be anywhere." she said into the phone.

There was a long pause and then she hung up the phone. She finally found something in my desk drawer, she held up a paper. She read it, and the put it back. She ran back upstairs and I heard the door shut. I got out of the suit and found what she was looking at. The sheet said


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