Chapter 8

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I hooked Steve up to the machine in the SHIELD lab and got started.

"Okay, they is a chemical called izon sitrace that reacts with the fyon dernium that will neutralize the toxins that causes the brain to shut off." I said. All I got was a confused look from Steve. I rolled my eyes and continued.

"So, I have to make it myself. So just wait."

"Do whatever you need to do Tony." he said.

I grabbed some chemicals and test tubes from throughout the lab. I mixed things and extracted things and finally had the result I wanted.

"Alright Rogers. This is it." I said

"Let's get this done." he replied.

I injected him with the izon sitrace and watched the machines to make sure everything was working. His heartbeat got faster and he started to shake.

"Tony!" Steve yelled.

"What? Should I knock it out?" I said starting to feel uneasy.

"No! Just keep it going." He said.

The veins popped out of his head again and he was shaking worse now. Then he completely stopped. I looked at the heart monitor and his heart was normal.

"Steve?" I asked.

Just then, I saw outside the lab a huge explosion. There was smoke everywhere and a huge hole was in the wall. Then I heard the distinct roar of the one and only;


Then I saw him, he looked right into my eyes. My eyes widened and I ran out of the room. He watched, then ran after me, tearing apart anything in his path. I ran down a long hallway with offices on the sides. I could hear him raging down the hall after me. Then it happened again. My mind took me back to the SHIELD Helicarrier. Where we all saw Dr. Banner turn into the Hulk. Then I saw his face, along with Steve and Thor standing around me from when I fell out of the air in New York. I collapsed on the ground and my vision was blurry. I managed to turn around and I saw agents distract the Hulk from his urge to kill me. Some one grabbed me and then my mind went went black.

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