Chapter 4

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"I Am Iron Man" Chapter4


I walked into the SHIELD HQ and I saw Fury waiting for me.

"You actually showed up." he said

"Yeah. I can't believe it either." I replied.

"So. Pepper and Banner, huh?" he said.

We started waking back to his office. We walked by the lab and I looked in. I saw a man working on a blue liquid.

"What is that he's working on in there?" I asked.

"I don't know. I don't get all that science stuff." Fury replied.

"I want to check it out." I said.

"Tony. We are here for a serious case. We don't have time to do science." Fury said.

Ignoring him, I walked into the lab. The man working on the liquid looked up at me. He stared at me.

"What are you working on?" I asked. I walked closer to him and he closed the folder next to him, picked it up and walked away.

'Alright then.' I though.

I looked at the tubes with the blue liquid in it. The tube had a serial number on it.

'24691,' I thought. 'Where have I seen this before?'

Fury came in and said,

"Stark! I told you not to come in here! Lets go now."

"One second, mom." I said annoyed at him.

"That's not funny. We-"

"24691. What is this?" I interrupted

"I got no idea! Now let's go!" he said.

"I need to know what this liquid is." I said sternly.

"You can find out later. This experiment is the least of our worries." Fury said.

'I don't feel like arguing. I'll come back after.' I thought.

We walked into Nick's office and he sat down.

"Now. How has Pepper been acting weird lately?" Fury asked

"I haven't noticed anything until that night. I actually have been pretty busy. Her too." I said

"Hm. Some of my agents have been skipping their assignments lately. And the number keeps growing." he explained.

"Did you notice who was the first to start this?" I asked.

He paused, then said,

"Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton."

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