Chapter 2

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'What does Pepper want with this? Who was she talking to?' all these questions ran through my head.

"Jarvis, what page did she go to?"

"Page 14, sir."

I turned to page 14 and it was an article about Captain America. I read through it and it talked about the super serum he was injected with.

'Why did she want this?' I thought.

I kept reading and it had an address of the lab where the serum was developed.

167 Kapperweg Street

Berlin Germany.

"Jarvis, I think it's time to fully test our new suit."

I grabbed a swig of coffee and jumped in my suit. When I flew out of the house, I saw Pepper get into a black car. I couldn't see the driver, but I knew that wasn't Happy. All I knew is I have to get to Berlin first. I turned invisible and took off. This suit also has nonstop power. So I got to Berlin at noon the next day. I found the lab and tried the door. It was locked.

"Jarvis. You take this one." I said

The screen on the mask analyzed the locked and displayed a key.

"Okay, let's have it." I said

A little compartment popped up on the back of my hand. In it was a bobby pin.

"Very funny. I could've just blown the lock off." I said sarcastically.

"You have not programmed me completely to make the key, sir." Jarvis said.

I rolled my eyes and took the pin and picked the lock. The door opened and all I saw was a long hallway with a door at the end. I started my way towards the door, but then it opened.


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