Chapter 7

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"Quick, you grab Fury and let's go. He's harmless right?" I said.

"Yes. He doesn't have the thingy in his ear." said Steve.

"The 'thingy' is called a microphone." I said giving him the you-are-in-the-21st-century-so-act-like-it face.

"Let's just go." Steve said.

We ran out of there and got into one of my cars.

"So, you can control yourself right?" I asked again

"Yes, Tony. He has nothing over me with out his voice. Even with that, I think I can control myself." he explained

I must have been tense so he added,

"It will be alright, Tony."

"I know. Just these past few months have been terrible. Now I got this crap on me too." I said

"It's not just you. I have been having problems too. We all have." Steve said

"Have you been in touch with them?" I asked

"They are the only people I know." he said

"Right." I simply replied.

The rest of the drive was silent except for a few groans from the unconscious Nick Fury in the back seats. When we arrived at the SHIELD HQ, Steve took Nick to the infirmary and I headed straight to the lab. I was hoping to find that same man who was working on the liquid, but no one was in there. I looked through the storage containers of all the experiments but couldn't find my target. I looked in the filing cabinet and found it. The tab said;




"Really?" I said aloud.

I flipped the file open and looked at what was in it. Everything was normal until I saw it;

fyon dernium

"Crap!" I said aloud again.

"What is it Tony?" Steve said, walking into the lab.

"The liquid the man put into you, and the others, is fyon derium!" I said.

"English, Tony." he said

"Fyon Dernuim, it acts like, like bleach on your brain. It completely washes your memory clean and your brain doesn't know what to do." I explained.

"But I remember everything." he replied.

"Do you? Who was the man who put that into you? When was it?" I asked.

"Oh. I don't remember that.." he said.

"And this chemical can be altered for just removing certain parts of the memories. And when it shuts the brain down, then he can easily control your every move and you won't know it." I said. I could feel the sweat dripping down my face as I tried to think of what we should do next.

"So, I can control it because the Soldier Serum enhanced my brain too?" he said, struggling to comprehend all the science talk.

"Yes. But it isn't enough to get the memories back though." I replied.

"Can you like, wash this stuff out?"he asked

"It won't be simple, but I think I can." I said.

"Then lets get started." Steve said.

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