Chapter 11

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After an excruciatingly long and boring night in the lab, I finally got some sleep. It still wasn't much but I at least I closed my eyes. Steve stayed the night to help me out and then crashed on the couch. Thor just plain left after we stopped working and he wasn't there when I woke. I got up and went to the kitchen to start some coffee. I was still in a daze when the doorbell went off. I walk down and opened the door. Thor pushed pass me and went straight up to the lab.

"Morning to you too." I mumbled.

I walked into the lab and Thor was pushing buttons and turning knobs.

"Woah! Mr. bright eyed! What are you doing?" I said.

"You said this machine could find the serum anywhere on Midguard, correct?" he said.

"No anywhere on Earth." I said sarcastically

"What if it is not on earth." he said

I raised an eyebrow and he looked at me. Steve got up and listened in.

"What do you mean? Thorn has a giant space station that he lives on?" I said not understanding why he would say that.

"While you were sleeping my father called a meeting with the high council. He warned us that Loki has been escaping his locked quarters at night without notice until the morning when he would be there again. I have a strong belief that he could be involved in this." Thor explained.

"How could Loki do all of this over just a few hours a day?" Steve butted in.

"I do not believe he is doing this alone." Thor replied.

"Who would help him though? Another Asgardian?" I asked.

"It could be possible I'm afraid." Thor said.

"Well. The only way to find out is to go." I said.

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