Chapter 9

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I woke up in a place I didn't recognize. I looked around, trying to shake out of the darkness my mind took me.

"Tony? Are you okay?" Steve said.

"Oh. Yeah. But why are we in a 1970's styled apartment?" I said.

he laughed, then said, "This is my apartment. I grabbed you when you um passed out in front of the Hulk. I gotta say it Tony, you've lost your strength." Steve said.

"Shut up Grandpa. Did the antidote work?" I said.

"Yes. I feel great!" he said.

"So, what's our next move? That man said he would bring Banner, so should we take him down?" I said.

"I think that's the best plan. Banner- Hulk, is really dangerous."

There was a knock at the door.

"You invited guests?" I asked, annoyed.

"No. I don't know who that would be. Let me get it." he said, walking over to the door. He opened it and I heard a loud thud. I walked into the next room to find Steve on the ground and about 5 men staring at me.

'Here we go.' I thought.

Then my vision went black. Again.

"Tony!" I heard someone close to me say.

I opened my eyes and I was strapped to some table and I saw Steve staring at me on the table to my left.

"What?" I asked.

"We need to get out of here! They left the room!" He said.

"Uh. How?" I said frustrated.

"Oh. Um I don't know." he said.

I raised my eyebrow at him. Then the door flew open and a man walked in. Hs was tall and skinny. He had about as much muscle mass as a chihuahua. His hair was short and blonde. He looked vaguely familiar.

"Ah! The sleepy head is awake! Your friend and I were waiting impatiently for you to wake!" He said.

"Who are you?" I said.

"Who am I? Well, I am you're biggest enemy." he said, getting way too close to my face.

"I meant a name, blondie." I retorted.

"Oh! I'm Dr. Thorn! You might have remembered me from the lab the other day!" he said.

'Oh. I was totally right.' I thought.

"So, why exactly are you taking out my team?" I asked. I looked over at Steve and received a very concerned look. I glanced down at the shackles holding us against the tables.

"You're team?" he said emphasizing on the word 'you're'.

"Mostly." I said.

"Well Mr. Stark." he started.

Then we heard a large crack outside the building. In came a surprisingly bright and loud lightning rod through the wall.

"You! You Midgardian! Why hath you taken my friends captive?"

'Thor. Never have I been so glad to see him.' I thought.

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