Chapter 1

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Adam's POV

I woke up with a sudden jolt, shit I just remembered, today

was the first day of school. Ugh, I hated school. I always got bullied,

mainly because I'm gay, like it's my fault for being gay. And to add to that, I had absolutely no friends, nobody liked me, not even the teachers. The school was so homophobic. After dwelling on that for a few minutes, I decided to get dressed, I put on a pair of black boots, jeans and my favourite David Bowie t-shirt, and to top it all of, I added a bit of eyeliner and gelled my hair up into a black pompadour. Once I finished, I ran downstairs, got breakfast and caught the bus. As usual, I sat at the back of the bus by myself. After driving a few blocks the bus stopped and an unfamiliar boy hopped on. He had gorgeous blue eyes, golden blonde hair in a Mohawk and nice tanned skin. Noticing me looking at him, he smiled and sat next to me “nice shirt” he said, shit, his accent was sexyoh, thanks” he extended his hand “Sauli” “Adam” I said, shaking it.

Sauli's POV

 “So ummmm, ya like David Bowie?”

Adam asked “oh yeah definitely! he's the best!” Adam smiled, he looked cute when he smiled, “so where are you from?” he asked “Oh Finland, I just moved here last month” he smiled again, damn he's adorable “oh cool! So, do you have your schedule yet? What classes do you have? Maybe I could show you where they are” I nearly jumped on him “oh thanks!! yeah I do, here it is” I handed the scrap of paper to him “ okay, we have all of the same classes today and Advisory, so just follow me around” “Okay!!” I said a little to excitedly, hopefully I didn't creep him out, but all he did was grin. After a few minutes of chatting the bus finally got to the school. We got off the bus and entered the big building. After climbing several strenuous,tiresome flights of stairs we finally made it to our Homeroom. Apparently, the teacher wasn't there yet so we sat down. “do you have any friends?” he looked down and shook his head “no” “that's a lie” “huh?” he said, with a confused look on his face “you have me” he looked up at me and grinned, God, he has the best smile, it's so adorable! Suddenly, the teacher walked in;

“Hello everyone, we'll be taking attendance then you'll go off to class.”


Adam's POV

 Whoa, that Sauli kid was cute. His smile was so adorable,ok,Adam,.back to reality. After the teacher finished the attendance, I walked to English, with Sauli trailing behind me. “Sauli!” I called, “this way!”

“Oh, ok, thanks” he said. Trying to catch up with me. A few minutes later we arrived to class, and took a seat next to each other. We were just on time.

“Hello, and good morning class! I'm Ms. Manson, and I'll be your English teacher” she said with a smile. She must be a new teacher.

“After the serial killer?” a boy with mousy hair said, making the whole class giggle.

“Quiet!” Ms. Manson said, handing out worksheets. “ I expect you to complete these before the end of class.” she continued, handing out the last ones to Sauli and I, then walking back to her desk.

 Damn. These worksheets looked hard.

“Are you good at English?” Sauli asked.

“Ehh not really, but I'm better at it than math. What about you?”

“I'm ok at it, I guess...” he said. We spent the rest of class in silence, trying to complete the damned worksheet, hoping we did alright on it. After turning in the papers, we walked to our next class. Science.

“Ugh. Science is so boring!” I complained.

“I know right!” Sauli said, flashing one of his adorable smiles. I smiled back at him. He's so cute.


Sauli's POV

Science class went by quickly, probably because Adam and I were chatting the whole time, which also got us in detention. Lunch time detention. I know, we shouldn't have been talking, but Adam is just to interesting! And, we both enjoy the same stuff, like music, movies, plays, the same singers and bands, and also, we both love 'Velvet Goldmine'! That's my favourite film! It would've been nice if we didn't get detention though, my parents are gonna be so mad, I wonder what Adam's parents are gonna think. .. I need to apologise to him, poor Adam...


The rest of the day was ok, atleast the science teacher had to be somewhere during lunch, so we didn't get detention (I'm very thankful for that). The downfall of the day was when Adam got bullied by some jerks after school, I knew he wasn't popular, but I didn't think he'd get bullied, it was pretty rough, some guy, named 'Monte'( what a shitty name, right?) and his gang of friends were pushing Adam around, and calling him the F word (faggot), he also pushed Adam into a locker and I had to break it up. Poor Adam, he was really upset, which made me sad, and he told me not to worry about it, like, how can I not worry about it?? You're the best friend I've had in a while! Bullshit!

Adam's POV

wow, Sauli is such a nice guy, he actually cares about me, unlike the teachers, my parents and the kids at school, and, he wants to be my friend! He also stuck up for me when Monte and his dumbass friends pushed me around. That was a first for me, I've never had anybody stick up for me. I hope he's not homophobic, like my parents.

About my parents, they're irresponsible, and they're selfish and like I said, homophobic. Luckily, they don't know I'm gay, my dad is the real homophobe, my mom doesn't like gays, but she's not as bad as my dad, if he sees a gay person, he'll insult and shun them, my life would be over if they found out.

I'm kinda excited for school tomorrow, I'll get to see Sauli again, I hope we don't get another detention, that was embarrassing, getting called out in front of everyone. I look ugly when I blush, my face turns all red, like a fucking tomato. Sauli looks so cute though, ugh, Sauli is the cutest boy I've ever seen, I'd really like to date him, but he probably thinks I'm ugly as hell though. Nothing ever goes my way, does it? 

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