Chapter 9

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Adam’s POV

Miss Manson just stared at us, her blue eyeliner not matching her pink and outrageous outfit. Her lipstick smeared at the ti- Focus Adam focus!

She just dangled the phone in front of us: taunting us. Neither Sauli or I said a word. We were still in shock that she had it. How did she get it? Monte?

"How’d you get th-that?" I asked pointing my trembling finger in her direction. I nearly shot out of my seat when I felt a soothing hand on my lap. Sauli. I attempt to relax but it’s so hard when I know what’s on that phone!

"Monte gave it to me. He’s such a good boy." She smiles a mischievous smile and rests the phone on her desk.

She cups her face with her hands and shares stares between Sauli and I. Ugh. Just tell us if we’re in trouble already.

 Sauli’s POV

She rests the phone on her bland desk and stares at Adam and I as she cupped her face. Um…awkward. I just want to know if we’re in trouble!

"So." I say softly, "are we in trouble?"

She stares at me. That’s all she does, stare at me. Her eyes were boring holes into my soul. It felt weird.

Finally she stopped, sat back and stared at Adam. We’re making no progress.

"No." she said and my ears perked up.

Did she just say no?!

I nearly jumped out of the chair with excitement until she said, “Not from me at least, but your parents, yes.”

Oh shit!

 Adam’s POV

I can see from the corner of my eye that Sauli and Miss Manson are talking, but what they are saying I wouldn’t be able to tell anyone. I was busy thinking about how I would get beat up again. How my dad would treat me if I had to go back home. How would I ma- I stop thinking when I hear a 'no' come from Miss Manson’s mouth.

No? What did Sauli ask?

"Not from me at least, but your parents, yes." she said and I caught on to the convo.

I looked over at him and he looked like he was about to die.

From instinct I scooted my chair over and held my love in my shaky arms. “We’ll be okay Sauli. We’ll be okay.” I kissed his forehead and continued soothing my baby.

Ehh hem! I heard come from my right and realized it was Miss Manson. I forget we were in her office. I abruptly let go of Sauli and sat back in my seat.

"You two can leave now. I’ve already spoken with your parents. Sauli they want you home ASAP! And Adam, your mother said your father aren't happy."

Oh shit!

We walked out of her office and as soon as her door shut I pressed Sauli against the nearest locker and devoured his mouth. I needed this.

My mouth left his with a smack and we simply gazed into each others eyes and made our way towards the school entrance doors.

We still had about two periods left, but Sauli’s parents wanted to see him ASAP so we left the schoolyard and began walking in the direction of his house. I hope they aren’t mean.

 Sauli’s POV

After Miss Manson said we could leave my heart sunk. That means my time to meet with my homophobic parents was approaching.

We left her office and I continued looking down until I felt my back being pressed against something cold and my mouth was being attacked by a 6’1 hunk of goodness. Adam.

His lips left mine with a smack and we stared at each other until we began to make our way to the doors of the school entrance.

"I really don’t want to meet with my parents right now, Addy." I said as I tightened my grip around his waist. I felt vulnerable all of a sudden.

"Aww, baby, why?" he asks as he plays with my hair.

"Homophobes." I say and he stops walking for a split second, but he plays it off well just not well enough for me not to notice. "What’s wrong?" I ask.

"My parents are kind of homophobes too remember." he says and droops his head. Sigh.

"Oh yeah."

We continue our walk in silence until I see the all of a sudden very intimidating door of my house.

I’m trembling once I get to the door and before I can even answer it, it bursts open and two raging Koskinen parents appear in the doorway.

Here we go.

 Adam’s POV

I can see Sauli trembling when we get to the door of his house and I long to comfort him, but before I can try the front door bursts open and his parents appear in the doorway. And God they look pissed!

Sauli looks so uncomfortable and I just want to hold him, but I think his parents would kill me if I tried.

His father grabs him by his shoulders and yanks him inside and before I can even say bye.

Stunned, I just stand there until *ring, ring* sounds my phone. I look at the ID to see it’s Tommy and I hesitate to answer but I do.

"Yes Tommy?!" I say with more attitude than I expected.

"Who didn’t suck your balls Adam?!" he says hastily.

"Sauli didn’t." I say pouting even though he couldn’t see it and we both burst out into a fit of laughter. It was so easy for us to get along.

"What did I call you for? Oh yeah. Your dad isn’t happy Adam, and I’m afraid he’s going to come to the house and I won’t be able to stop him if he get-"

"TOMMY!" I yell into the phone. He was blubbering like an idiot, but I caught on to what he was saying and almost had a heart attack.

My. Father. Might. Kill. Me.

I hang up the phone, temporarily forgetting about Sauli and I run to Tommy’s apartment.

 Sauli’s POV

My father yanks me inside and slams the door before I can even give Adam a proper goodbye. I was pissed!

"What was that for!" I yell and I hope Adam doesn’t hear me, I don’t want him to worry.

My father pushes me against the wall and slams his fist to my jaw.


"You fucking faggot!" he yelled at me and his breath reeked of beer. My mom just stood there with an angry look plastered on her face.

It’s not my fault I think and I shout it too. To that he punches me again and lets me drop to the floor.

"Was that your boyfriend?" he asks, but I can’t answer him, my jaw hurts too much now.

"I said. Was that your boyfriend!"

"Y-yes." I reply, "and I love him!" It hurts so much to talk and it hurts a bit to get up, but I try.

I slowly lift myself off the ground and walk towards my father. “I. Love. Adam. Lambert.” I say and with every word I press my index finger into his hard chest. I continue, “If you can’t understand that then you can simply disown me!”

We stare at each other, breathing heavily.

WHAP! Gasp. Laughter. Arguing.

I can’t decide which to focus on. So I think of Adam as I slip out of consciousness.

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