Chapter 4

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Adam's POV

Hey Leila-yes I'm fine-I'm calling about Adam” Tommy said into the phone.

yeah, he got into a fight with some guy, yes, he won” Tommy said rolling his eyes.

okay, bye, love you to, oh yeah, and Adam is staying with me, do you wanna talk to him?” oh my god, Tommy is an idiot. “okay, here's the phone” he said handing me the phone.

Hey mom”

Hey Adam, how are you? What was the fight about?” oh god, do I really have to tell her?

Um, some guys were being jerks, and they were pushing Sauli and I around” shit, why did I just mention Sauli?

Sauli? Who's that?”

Uhmm...Sauli's my boyfriend...”

oh....okay, but your dad isn't going to be happy”

oh well that's his problem, and he's still angry about that?”

you know what he's like, and I miss you honey”

i miss you too, love you” I really did, hopefully I get to see her soon.

love you too honey, bye” she said and hung up.

well that wasn't so bad” said Tommy, with an “i-told-you-so” look on his face.

i know, well at least you called my mom and not my dad.” that's true, my father still hates me.

it's okay Adam, he'll get over it eventually”

“i hope so.....” I never really liked my father, but this was just ridiculous. Why does he act like it's my fault? It clearly isn't, he just has issues.

so, uh Tommy, you wanna tell Sauli what you do for a living?” I said, trying to change the subject.

oh yeah! I'm a guitarist and my band is called 'Turn Of The Screw'” He said happily. Thank god.

oh really? Do you sing or anything?”

haha no, but Adam does. He's really good! Like Freddie Mercury” he said grinning at me. God Tommy is so annoying.

really?! Can I hear?” he asked excitedly, what do I say?

oh no, I'm not that good, Tommy is just over reacting” I hate singing in front of people, what if they say I suck?

C'mon Addy!!! sing for your boyfriend!” Tommy is such an idiot.

fine! But only for Sauli!” I might as well, it's the least I can do.

what do you want me to sing?”

whatever you want!” Sauli looked so happy, he's so adorable when he's happy!

fine, I just wrote this song, it's called 'Better Than I Know Myself'” I took a large gulp and started singing:

Cause if I wanted to go I would have gone by now,

But I really need you near me to

Keep my mind off the edge

If I wanted to leave I would have left by now,

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