Chapter 10

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Adam's POV

My heart rate increased with every second as I got closer and closer to Tommy's apartment. In the driveway I could dad's car and I was totally terrified! My body involuntarily halted and I slowly made my way up the driveway.

From outside I could hear Tommy and my dad arguing, but it was hard to interpret what they're saying even though they were practically screaming their asses off. I made out a few words like: gay, faggot, kill, disgrace and fuck! A lot of fucks!

My knees wobbled under my heavy body weight and I thought again about entering this scene, but when I heard a glass shatter I involuntarily rushed inside.

I burst through the front door and immediately hated what I saw.


Sauli's POV

"Get up faggot!" I heard someone yell and each time they sais it, my head ached even more.

My vision slowly cleared and I realized it was my father. When he saw that I recognized him he kicked me in my stomach and laughed a loud and horrible laugh. It made my head hurt even more and it churned my stomach. I attempted to get up but he kicked me square in the head and pinned me down to the floor.

Oh Adam. Where are you?

"Where's your boyfriend now you worthless bag of shit?!" he asked me and spit flew in my face. Ew! And the sad part is that I couldn’t rub it off since he had my arms in a death grip on the floor.

He repeatedly hit me and I began to go numb. All I could think about was how will I be able to go to school tomorrow? How would I hide these bruises from Adam? How would I even walk?!

Oh Adam, I wish you were here, I thought as I decided on whether I should try to fight back or simply give up.

Adam's POV

I propped myself on the wall in an attempt to calm down, but I couldn’t help staring at the still and bleeding Tommy on the floor.

He had several gashes to his head and his white tee was now soiled from the bright and red blood drips making a home on the shirt.

"God dammit dad!" I yelled as I punched the beige wall.

“Why the fuck do you have to mess everything up?” I said as I walked up to him, my anger building up. “He’s your fucking nephew for fucks sake!”

My dad just looked at me, then at Tommy then at me once again and he slowly made his way over to me. We were now face to face and I was scared as hell!

He had a wicked smirk plastered onto his old face then he gave me a punch harder than any punch I’ve ever gotten, and I fell to the hard, tiled floor. I could hear him let out a laugh, and I was contemplating lying there and taking another beating, but I assumed my body was tired of being pushed and bruised as I was back on my feet in two seconds and I tackled his tall form to the floor.

He was shocked. He attempted to push me off of his body but failed. I stretched my long arm over his body and picked up a sharp piece of stray glass and WHAM! My back collided with the floor and I was stunned.

He jumped on top of me and struggled for a while to get the glass out of my hand, but he prevailed. I can’t let him beat me again!

I tried my hardest to dodge his quick stabs at my face and I dodged about three or four, but unfortunately, one glided across my cheek and I could feel the harsh sting of blood seeking out of my fresh wound. That pushed me over the edge. I look over at Tommy’s still figure and threw my father off of me, but did Tommy just move?

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