Chapter Six~ The Truth Serum and the Ugly Truth

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I dedicated this to SkullPixie69 for her constant badgering for me to upload! Your an amazing fan! Hope you enjoy! 

<3 M



"REMUS!" another voice bellowed, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Miri's attacker turned his head.

"We have an intruder." The man, Remus, said threw clenched teeth.

"Is that a girl? A teenage girl?!" The woman shouted again. A plump woman. She marched over to them in a fit of rage, “What do you think she was planning on doing?! She’s so young! Look at her!! Look at how scared you’ve made her!!” The woman shouted at Remus. Remus looked a little guiltily at Miri who flinched back. He lowered his wand from her throat.

“I was being cautious, Molly. It’s not everyday someone breaks into here.” Remus said. He turned his eyes back on Miri.

“What did you say your name was?” Asked the woman, Molly, pushing Remus aside. Miri stared wide-eyed at her. Her hands were shaking.

“Mir-riella Black.” She studdered. Molly looked shocked.

“Black?” she asked. Miri nodded not wanting at all to anger these people anymore.

“Who is your father?” Molly asked.

“Regulus. R-regulus Black.”

Chapter Six

They all stared wide-eyed at Miri who was frozen to her spot. Lovely, she thought, If the Remus man doesn't kill me, i bet everyone else will. She looked around a bit noticing the people surrounding her. The Remus man had a medium brown hair that looked dirty and unbrushed. His face had a few scars running along his face and he had muddy brown eyes. The woman who had scolded him, Molly, was a stout woman with extremely red, pumpkin colored hair. Her eyes were a warm brown and she had a few freckles on her face. There was another man, an African American man with a dark blue robe on. His face hard and confused. The next woman, had deep purple hair and her eyes, Miri could've sworn had changed color from blue to brown. She saw a few pairs of heads poking out from the far door near the end of the kitchen. A few red heads, a black haired boy, and a girl with brown frantic hair. Their faces all mimicking each others; shock.

"I'm s-so sorry! I d-didn't know a-anyone was liv-ving here!" Miri said in a pleading voice. No one responded to her.

"Mum?" one of the red heads adressed the woman, Molly.

"Shh! You shouldn't be down here! Up! Go! This isn't any of your business!" She shooed them. The glanced fearfully at Miri then scattered back up the stairs. Molly then turned towards the rest of them.

"Tonks, could you watch the girl?" Molly adressed the purple haired woman. She nodded and stepped up in front of Miri. Molly motioned for everyone to follow her out of the kitchen. Tonks eyed Miri.

"Who are you, again?" she asked. Miri gulped. She decided that if she angered this woman at all, there would be no more Miri.

"Miriella B-black." she said again. Tonks eye brows pulled together.

"And your parents?" she added.

"Regulus Black and Violetta Nous." Miri said wishing she was anywhere but here. In the back of her mind she also couldn't get rid of the feeling of there being something else to do. Tonks eyes whidened a bit more than before.

"Regulus Black? Regulus Arcturus Black? The one who lived here?" Miri nodded. She felt a little paniced. Her left wrist was stinging and her head pounded from her heart beat or due to her blow to the head, Miri had no clue.

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