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"Where did you go earlier when you ran out the hall?" Georgia asked hesitantly as I tied up the laces of my keds shoes.

"I went outside to calm down." I reply causally with a shrug

"I saw you walk in with Harry!" Sophie piped up suddenly causing all the girls to stare at me in pure shock

"Harry Styles? As in hot Louis Tomlinson's best friend?" Georgia grinned

"How many Louis Tomlinson's do you know, George?" I snicker before fixing my tube socks then standing up

"Let's go," I add glancing at my gym uniform in the mirror before strolling out of the changing rooms with the girls

I'd lent Sophie my leggings seeing as I as she refused to wear shorts because 'the boys just stare and it's so embarrassing' which meant I was left wearing her short Nike shorts and a fitted blue tank top with my keds and tube socks.

We all strode out onto the field where most of the boys where already warming up

I noticed all the girls still staring at me making me fluster my eyebrows, "what?"

"Aren't you going to tell us what happened with you and Mr.Styles?" Sophie grinned

"No I'm not." I smirk

All the girls whined before they started begging me to tell them.

"Did you do something naughty is that why you won't spill the beans?" Georgia giggled

"What?! No of course I didn't do anything sexual with Harry. I'm with Cameron if you don't remember!" I exclaim walking backwards while eyeing all the girls angrily

"Cameron is in America, if you remember Noel." Faith informed

I rolled my eyes, "yes I do know where my boyfriend is, thanks Faith."

"He's probably done stuff with other girls.. That means you might do stuff too. You live across the world for each other, it's not like any of you will know." Sophie explained

My face paled as I felt the wind being knocked out of me.

Cameron with another girl would rip me apart.

"He'd never cheat; he's loyal." I state while trying to convince myself more than anyone

"Noel's right you guys," George nodded, "you have to trust your boyfriends."

"You're single, Georgia." Faith snorted

"I'm just saying." She grinned causing me to send her a questionable look which she decided to ignore.

As I turned back around my face connected with a well built chest. I groaned in pain rubbing my face as I took a step back.

"Watch it." I grumble

"I believe you were the one walking the wrong way, not me." Harry's deep voice commented sassily

I rolled my eyes before glancing up at him. I watched his glowing green orbs scan by body, lingering a bit too long for my liking.

I cleared my throat causing his eyes to snap back upwards, I sent him an unapproved look making him snigger.

He then grinned widely causing a small smile to helplessly dance on my lips.

"You're annoying, Styles." I mutter

"You love it really." Harry smirked

"No. I really don't." I huff

The tall boy only laughed, shaking his brown mop of curls that sat perfectly on his head.

"I'll see you around, Noelle." He winked before stepping to the side

"Ladies," he commented giving the girls a nod before he strolled off causally

The girls giggled like little girls before clutching my arm with a squeal.

"Harry Styles so likes you." Georgia smiled

"If Harry likes me, Louis likes you." I reply back with a grin

She scoffed in response, "looks like I'm right then."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask with confusion present in my tone of voice

"You'll find out." Georgia shrugged giving me a teasing look

Closing my locker, I spun around only to bump into someone again.

"Jesus Christ Harry!" I laugh throwing my arms in the air as I saw his tall figure and piecing green eyes staring down at me

"We really need to stop running into each other like this." He stated with an amused look twinkling in his eyes

"You need to stop standing so close to me," I comment playfully

"What do you want anyway?" I add raising my eyebrows

"Playing hard to get I see," Harry smirked

I laughed dryly, "hardly."

"Please, I know you want me." He replied cockily leaning against the blue lockers trying to look "cool"

"Yeah definitely!" I scoff sarcasm coating my words

"Everyone wants me, Noel." Harry continued as he clicked his tongue

"You have an ego bigger than this school." I remark

"You know what else is big?" He grinned cheekily

"My boyfriends penis." I smirk watching Harry's face fall

"Sorry?" Harry asked looking beyond confused

"I have a boyfriend, Harry, hence the reason why I don't want you." I say in a matter of fact tone


"Cameron Spencer." I smile

"You mean the dude that moved half way across the world?" Harry snorted

"Yep." I reply not bothering to show that his comment effected me

"Good luck with that," he told me, "highly doubt that will last."

"You can't talk, Styles." I growl

"I mean you would think someone would be able to keep a relationship for at least one day.. But you do continue to surprise the school." I add grimly

Harry opened his mouth to reply only to be cut off by me.

"Bye Harry." I laugh before walking about leaving the curly boy speechless at my locker.

Not the best chapter but thanks for reading x

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