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Image of Noel ^^^


"Why do you smell like smoke?" Georgia questioned as I sat down at the lunch table with the other girls

Things were still awkward with Faith and I. Not to mention our friendship all together had been effected due to the inked boys being round almost 24/7.

"Lots of people smoke now a days, I probably just walked past someone with a cigarette earlier." I lie before taking a sip of my water

"You don't just smell like smoke if you walk past someone. You have to be with them for a period of time." Faith informed me

I rolled my eyes at her, not bothering to reply.

"Noel, c'mon, have you smoked?" Faith continued pestering me

"Why do you care?" I snap

"Just because I want to be friends with a group of boys, doesn't mean I don't care for you. You're my best friend." She sighed giving me a soft smile

"You all just want to get into bed with me." I mutter

"As do you with Harry." Georgia smirked

"I have a boyfriend." I growl feeling like that sentence has fell from my lips far more that it should.

"Has something happened with you and Cam? Is that why you've been smoking?" Sophie asked looking worried to hear my answer

I opened my mouth to speak only to be cut off by a deep male voice.

"Who's been smoking?" Harry asked taking a seat opposite me, the other boys following suit.

"Noelle." The three girls answered all in sync

I groaned loudly, throwing my head back in annoyance.

"You smoke?" Harry smirked giving me a shocked look

"I thought you were a good girl." Liam stated with a chuckle

"I haven't been smoking. They just think I have!" I hiss

"You stink!" Faith laughed

"It's obvious, N, just admit it." George mumbled giving my shoulder a squeeze in reassurance.

I tugged away from her touch, pulling out my phone at the sound of a text coming through.

Skimming over the message, a small smile spread across my lips.

Zayn🙃: I'm in the car park- up for ditching again? :) x

"No fucking way Noelle!" Georgia cried in horror making me jump

I snapped my eyes up from the rectangular object to see the whole time she had been reading over my shoulder.

"What the hell! Ever heard of privacy." I snarl turning my screen from her view

"What are you thinking getting involved with him again?" She exclaimed sadness lacing hey voice

"What's going on?" Faith asked looking confused like everyone else on the table

"She's talking to Zayn, again."

"Zayn Malik?" Lou gasped

"As in the Zayn that left school a few months back and only causes trouble by smoking and taking drugs?" Liam questioned sounding very shocked

"Yes. That Zayn. He's basically the same as you guys, drug addicted and an alcoholic." I fire back glancing between the boys

Georgia nudged my shoulder telling me to shut up.

"We are no way as bad as Zayn." Niall said sending me a weak smile

"Yeah, you're probably worse." I chuckle darkly, rising to my feet.

I swung my bag over my shoulder, pulling my phone back out again to reply back to Zayn.

Me: I'll be there in a sec :)

"Don't go see him." George pleased trying to catch ahold of my hand

"I told you, I'm not hanging around while these guys are here. Therefore, I'll find someone else." I state

"Zayn isn't the person you need in your life. He caused you so much trouble, he caused all of us so much trouble." Faith says standing up too

"I'll be fine. I'm a big girl now." I taunt before turning and walking away

Within minutes I was leaning against the blue sports car belonging to Zayn. I drew my finger across the lighter, watching a spark appear before the cigarette smoked. Lighting it up being a success.

I placed the killing object into my mouth, taking a long drag.

"Noelle!" Harry yelled suddenly

Lazily, I rolled my head to the side to see the tall, curly haired boy running down the steps in panic.

"Let's go." Zayn demanded dropping his cigarette before quickly climbing into the car

I followed his lead instantly, locking the door moments before Harry grabbed onto the car handle in attempt to stop me.

"Open the door!" He ordered banging on the window with force

I shuck my head, giving him the middle finger before Zayn roared the engine and sped off.

Leaving Harry in a cloud smoke.

Bad boy Zayn, yes please!!

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