twenty two

38 3 1


"I don't think I actually believe it!" Noelle exclaimed with a wide smile spread across her lips

I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion, "don't believe what?"

"That you like someone!" She squeaked

My eyes widened slightly as I was taken slightly off guard by Noel's response.

"You think I'm lying?" I questioned

"No! I'm just surprised that you have fell for someone," She explained ruffling my hair teasingly

I swatted her hand away with a whine before attempting to fix my curly mop.

"I have fancied girls before you know." I huffed like a child

"Utter crap!" She laughed "You don't do girlfriends."

A frown spread across my face, a crease appearing between my brow.

"I've had girlfriends in the past." I argued

"Yeah, in the past. We are now in the present, Styles." Noel shuck her head with another laugh

"Why is this so funny to you, Noelle?" I snapped suddenly making her eyebrows raise at my tone change

"I can have a girlfriend if I want! I can do what I want with whatever girl I please! Just because I've not been in a long lasting relationship for a while doesn't mean anything! Quite frankly, Noel, I don't find any of it amusing." I ranted, anger and upset clear to see.

"C'mom Haz, any other person would be shocked if you told them you were interested in a girl." She replied

"Why? Why is it such a shock that I like someone, just like every other teenage boy? What makes me so different?"

By now I was on my feet staring wildly at Noel and she was too starting to get annoyed.

Noelle rose to her feet too in order to try and look as big as me.

"You're Harry Styles. The school player and bad boy, whatever you want to call yourself, okay? You say you don't do relationships so how else do you expect me to react when you tell me you have your eye out for someone!" She growled never once breaking eye contact with me.

"I never said I wanted a relationship with them! I said I liked them. There is a huge difference between the two!" I shouted, my chest rising and falling rapidly fast.

"So you want to simply use her for your own pleasure? Like normal. Pulling your typical date and ditch game, huh? Classy Styles. Very classy." Noel snarled jabbing a finger into my chest to emphasis her point.

"Like normal?" I screamed repeating her words in utter disgust

"I have a reason for why I play girls, I don't do it just because I'm a horny fuck! It's payback, okay?" I added

"Payback? What the hell are you on about?" She snapped in utter confusion

"I was made the laughing stock of the school a few years back when I got played. I was heart broken. Everyone found it hilarious so now I've got my reputation back, I'm going round and doing the exact same to all them girls who thought getting left the day after isn't bad." I whispered surprisingly calm

Noelle's mouth hung slightly agar in shock to my words.

"Do you know how that feels, Noel? To have the one you love leave you after you give them your body? After you think you will be together forever, they just leave because they never cared for your personality. Only for the pleasure. It hurts. It hurts a hell of a lot. You never forget the feeling. It's taken a long time to mend my broken pieces." I continued

Silence flooded the bedroom. Noel and I just sharing a gaze, neither of us being able to read each other's expressions.

"That was years ago, Harry, people would have forgotten now." Noelle stated shaking her head in disapproval

"I haven't forgotten."

She sighed, unable to believe the things coming from my mouth.

"You were one of the girls that laughed Noel." I announced

"Why else do you think I wanted to become your friend so badly?" I continued with a smirk appearing on my lips

"What's that supposed to mean?" Noel frowned

"Do you seriously think I wanted to get to know for your personality? You're just another target on my list."

"You're all talk but no action, Harry." She scoffed showing she wasn't fazed by my words

"That's what you think sweetheart," I said taking a large step towards Noel

I left a few centimetres between us, our lips nearly touching.

"You don't know what is coming your way, Foster. I'd watch out if I were you." I whispered in a low and warning voice.

"Is that a threat?" Noelle whispered back venom lacing her words dangerously.

"No. That's a promise."

Noelle knew I was trying to get a reaction out of her. For her show me I was causing her heart to thump rapidly against her chest. For her breath to hitch in her throat due to our close proximity.

"You don't have an effect on me, Styles. I'm not like the other clueless girls you play." Noelle hissed earning a laugh from me

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. I'm always one step ahead of you."

"Who says I was ever trying to get ahead of you?"

"Don't play dumb, you and I both know that you were trying to change me. But I caught you out early in the game." I informed her

Noelle rolled my eyes, "didn't it ever cross your mind that you are the reason behind why your attitude changed?"

"It was you. Playing games with my mind."

"You're crazy."

"You're so manipulative, Noelle."

She laughed bitterly.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of, Styles. I suggest you get over yourself before I ruin everything you have."

I opened my mouth to fire back a comment but she was quick to continue.

"And that's not a threat. It's a promise."

There is a reason as to why all the writing is in italics! Plot twist? Bet non of you were expecting that.. Hope you enjoyed it though. :) xx

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