twenty five

20 3 0


"So you actually going to grow some balls and speak to Noelle?"

Louis' voice appeared behind me as I carelessly threw books into my locker. I sighed heavily as I turned around to face him,

"I don't like her." I muttered

"I'm not stupid Haz, it's obvious" Lou laughed

"Not to her," I grumbled "she's too absorbed in Cameron"

I found myself slouching at the thought, I didn't get what she saw in him. He was nothing compared to me, right?

"So you do like her" Louis smirked giving my shoulder a nudge

"No I - oh just fuck off lou!" I slammed my locker shut in annoyance before walking off to next period , a laughing Louis close behind.

"Do you think the black or this sparkly rose gold one?" Noel questioned holding up the dresses against her body as she stood facing the mirror

I glanced up from my phone as I was sprawled across her bed, a lazied look upon my face

"Either," I shrugged

Noelle sighed in frustration dropping the dresses to the floor in annoyance

"What is wrong with you? This is important to me Harry, this is Cameron's coming home party , I need to look my best!" Noel groaned slapped my shoulder

"I just don't see the big deal! He's just coming home for god sake," I snapped

"I love him Harry, that's why it's a big deal."

I watched as Noelle climbed off the bed and continued rummaging through her wardrobe in attempt to find something to wear for the weekend.

"The rose gold one," I muttered causing Noel to turn around and quirk an eyebrow, "wear that one. He'll love it."

A large grin fell upon her face followed shortly after a slight squeal, "You really think so? Thanks H!"

I gave a soft smile, although it certainly wasn't a genuine one.

"What are you going to wear?" Noel questioned as she frantically began getting her makeup out on the desk

I shrugged again, "just jeans"

"What just jeans?" Noel laughed giving me a playful wink as she looked at me through the reflection of her mirror

I helplessly grinned at her, "I'm sure you'd love to see me topless and only wearing jeans."

"Who wouldn't, maybe even without the jeans" she shrugged casually with a grin before focusing her attention back on her eyeshadow palette.

"Why don't you then?" I ask

"Why don't I What?" Noel hummed

"Come here and get your wish of seeing me with minimal clothing."

I knew I was possibly testing my luck, dipping in my toe to test the waters - just to see her reaction of course. No harm in it.

There was a long pause of silence as I awaited her response. Finally, she let out a soft laugh turning around to face me.

"You really are quite something else aren't ya Styles."

"But that's good right?" I question sitting up for the bed and resting my elbows against my knees

"You should start getting ready Harry, everyone will be here soon."

And just like that she dismissed my inquire. I sighed before going into her bathroom to get ready for the dreaded arrival of Cameron.

"Well look at you!"

I glanced up from my phone to see Noel standing in the door frame of the bathroom with a wide smile upon her now red lips.

I blushed slightly as I adjusted my top, "you think it looks okay?"

"You look very handsome, you're going to have all the girls tonight," she giggled nudging my shoulder as I exited the bathroom and back into Noel's room

I was wearing my black skinny jeans, a sheer black button up shirt along with my black boots.

"You look pretty good yourself," I tell Noel

She smoothed out her dress for the hundredth time, and gave me a nervous smile.

Her hair was curled with the top sections in a French braid. She wore light brown eye makeup, along with a red lip.

"Stop stressing," I murmur as I stood up wrapping my arms around her gently resting my head in the crook of her neck

"You look gorgeous, and Cameron will think so too." I reassure before placing a soft kiss against her shoulder blade

"People will be arriving soon, shall we go downstairs?"

Noel give me a soft smile, "You go, I'll be down in a minute."

I nodded before heading downstairs and began inviting people in who had arrived ready for one hell of a party.


I could feel my bedroom floor vibrate from the speakers downstairs blaring out music, along with the chattering voices of most the school year. The smell of cigarettes, alcohol and god knows what other substances were already clouding the house.

Yet here I was sitting on my bed, an hour into the party and still hadn't shown my face downstairs. For some reason I just could bare the idea of seeing Cameron. I had missed him so much and wanted to see him more than anything but what if he thought things had changed? What if he didn't like my friendship with Harry? What if Faith was right and he did do something while away?

"God I'm so stupid!" I mutter to myself as I stood to my feet "Man up!"

I strut out of my room and down stairs into the main party area. Everything felt like it was in slow motion as all eyes fell onto me and parted like the Red Sea.

My gaze fell upon a brown haired boy with his back to Me. Their golden tan could be seen from a mile away.

"Cameron?" I call out my voice shaking

In a swift movement, he spun around a large grin passing over his lips before he ran up to me , engulfing me in a tight hug. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as we pulled away.

I was smiling so wide that my face was hurting, however as I scanned his face my smile faded as I caught site of a suspicious looking bruise placed upon his neck.

I didn't have time to ask as his lips suddenly crashed against mine. I pulled away after a few seconds, my eyes instantly landing on Harry who stood in the kitchen, a few meters away, with a blank expression on his face simply watching us.

- - - - - - - - -
It's been SO LONG IM SORRY, literally haven't updated in 2years!!

Hope this was alright & y'all can
remember what happened before this chapter

Much love xx

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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