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'Damn, I shouldn't have come here with Cross. It's so annoying and now I am lost in a forest! Just whose idea was it to come here in middle of forest for a vacation? And on the top of that, why did Cross get a villa here?' Zero thought as he tried to find his way out of the forest. He's been going 'round and 'round the forest for three hours to find the opening to the villa.

"Hello! Anyone here?" he shouted, wishing someone maybe Yuki will answer. But he knew he shouldn't get his hopes up for no reason.

Crossing his fingers, 'pleaseanswer pleaseanswer pleasenswer...' he thought, repeating in his mind like a mantra.

With the mantra going around his mind, he started walking again. Suddenly he felt someone behind him. He turned around slowly, wishing its Yuki or hell! Yagari and worst Cross! But dear, no one was there. He blinked his eyes a few times. 'I swear someone was there! Someone was behind me!' he thought out loud.

'OK now this shitty place is scaring me! And I am so not ashamed to accept that I am fucking scared! Shit! Get a grip Kiryu!' he thought. Now walking (running) through the dark woods, not caring where he was going and kept walking right ahead.

'Don't stand or stop anywhere! Its a forest and you don't know its dangers!' he told himself, wrapping his arms around himself. Even though, he was wearing a warm fluffy jacket he still felt cold as if the temperature here dropped suddenly. He came to a sudden stop when he heard a sound or more like murmurings. That was coming from his right, near the bush. It showed an opening leading somewhere. 'Someone must be there! Maybe they will help me!' he thought following the sound.

He gasped when he saw a beautiful scene which he was sure that he could never find in the cities or town or any other place.

"Hello." a figure, hiding itself in a tree's shadow, asked Zero.

To say, Zero was surprised would be an understatement. He turned towards the voice. It was a soft, deceiving-ly kind voice and Zero felt a weird pull towards it. The figure stepped out from the dark shocking Zero even more. The stranger was an eye candy! He could break necks with his looks. His sturdy body made him look strong and dominant. Zero was now blushing scarlet! God, the stranger was hot! Sizzling!

"Who are you, young one and why are you here?" he asked. His voice sending shivers down Zero's spine. Trying to control his blush from spreading even more on his face, he answered, "I-I am lost. And I don't have my cellphone. If you can help me, please?" he couldn't believe that he actually shuttered!

"I would have helped you but I don't my cellphone either. Its at my villa. So if you still want help from me then I guess you should come with me to the villa, there you can call your family." the stranger suggested. His eyes roaming on Zero's form like eating him with his eyes.

Zero knew that it was not safe but that was his only option in middle of the forest. He had to take his chances. So, he slowly nodded his head in agreement. And the stranger reckoned him to follow.

After walking for which was approximately twenty minutes, they reached the villa which the stranger was talking about. Zero couldn't help but stare in awe. 'The villa was freaking huge! Double of Cross' villa! Damn, this guy must be a rich bastard!'

"We are here. Please, you first." the stranger said, holding the entrance door open for him. That hit right at Zero's nerves, he was not a girl! He scowled but said nothing and entered

As soon as he stepped in, he felt a nerve wrecking shock, his whole body trembling and he was about to fall face front on the floor but was caught by the stranger.

"Are you alright?" the stranger asked, concerned. But to Zero, it somehow sounded fake and mocking as if he knew what happened to Zero.

Zero nodded and steadied himself back on his feets. He was inside, ok?

The stranger muttered something under his breath and Zero's vision darkened and lost his consciousness.

"Caught you." was the last thing that Zero heard.

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