The Meeting-part II

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Zero slowly woke up from his dreamless slumber, he groaned as the cold hit him hard. 'Did I leave the windows open?' He murmured as he got from his bed, rubbing his eyes.

 'Did I leave the windows open?' He murmured as he got from his bed, rubbing his eyes

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(Zero's bed at Cross' house)

He checked the windows but they're locked. 'Why is my room so cold then?' He thought and turned his eyes towards the door. 'Its locked too...? What's going on?'

"Zero.... you've grown up so well."

He snapped his head towards the voice. His eyes widened when he saw none other than Shizuka Hio sitting on his bed. "Wh-what are you doing here?!" He almost shouted. Shizuka giggled madly. "I am here to take you away." Her voice faded as Zero shot up from his bed wide awake.

"A dream.....?"

Zero glanced over to the windows, they were shut tight. Sigh.

He looked for his alarm clock which thrown to the side somewhere. "7:30AM!! Shit! The class starts in 30 minutes! I will miss the crossover! Yuki will kill me!!" He hurried out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. Quickly completing his morning routine, he dashed out of his room while the tie hung loose around his neck.

"Ah! Good morning, Zero! Yuki already went to see over the crossover. You might wanna hurry." Cross said as soon he saw Zero running down the stairs and into the kitchen. Zero nodded and grabbed a toast and ran out again. Cross sighed,"this generation is always in a hurry." Continuing his breakfast lazily.


Zero ran all the way to the gates and only stopping when he saw Yuki who was trying to control the girls. The Moon dorms' gates were yet to open. 'Thank god!' He prayed.

He hurriedly made his way near the gates taking his position. "GET BACK IN A LINE!" He ordered firmly with his infamous glare causing the girls to immediately step back and form a line. Yuki sighed in relief as she was no longer being pushed by the demons (girls). She gave a sharp look to Zero as if saying 'late again shortie' which he caught. He cringed, he mouthed a 'sorry' to which Yuki just gave a brief nod.
Takuma walked out of his room, followed by Shiki who had a pokey stick in his mouth and a pack of pokey in his hand. He could never understand what was it about the sweet that made Senri so addicted to. He sighed and continued walking to the Moon dorms gates with his usual smile plastered on his lips.

At the stairs, he and Senri were joined by Rima and Ruka. The four greeted each other and were about to walk out of the dorms just when they were joined by Kain who was dragging his idiotic cousin by the tie.

Aido whined and struggled in Kain's hold. He was so tired! He didn't want attend the class on human hours/night hours. This was their time to sleep!

The Chairman had notified them about this'special' class for only a day because they were going to have this new studentwho Aido thought was an asshole because this 'new' student was arriving atnight(morning) and wanted the night class to be present in the class for hisintroduction. But how can the Chairman simply agree with it!? Just who the hellwas this new student!?

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