The Meeting- IV

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Kaname let out his aura when no one listened to what Cross had said and it immediately got their attention when they sense the presence of a pureblood. Takuma stood up from his seat and welcomed Kaname who in turn nodded at his best friend. Rest of the class was suddenly at their feet after realizing who the pureblood was. "Rise all of you." He said and Aido immediately shot up and looked at the pureblood, the new student he had disliked with all his might was Kaname Kuran, heir to the throne of the king!


'Tell me this is not happening! Oh god! This is Kaname-sama that I cursed! Somebody kill me! Please don't let him know! Please don't let him know!' Aido prayed, he tried to hide behind his cousin, Kain who scoffed at his antics.

"Aido, is something the matter?" Kaname questioned softly.

"N-nothing, Kaname-sama! I was ju-just wondering!"


Aido tried to come up with some question. "Well, you are a benefactor of this academy, yes but is there an actual need for you to be physically present here and even attend the classes as a student?" God! He was a bloody genius! That's was a good question, right?

The night class stared at the blonde for a few moments and shook their heads in disappointment. 'He is so stupid!' their thoughts similar.

Kaname sighed and Ichijou laughed lightly. "You see Aido-kun, Kaname's presence is required here because no matter how much we want the vampires and humans to coexist, vampires will always be a danger to the humans due to their natural weaknesses compared to a vampire. A Pureblood will be required at the academy to control the vampires after all. And judging by how all of you have been behaving recently, Kaname was called to be here immediately or else the council or the association will find it as an excuse to stop this idea altogether. And yes, Kaname is the only pureblood supporting Headmaster currently and maybe the only pureblood who wouldn't take advantage of his position to hurt humans here. That's why Kaname has been asked by the Headmaster to attend the academy and keep all of us in line."

Ichijou explained very politely but Aido could see the underlying hints and how he was directing his hard stare at him, he understood that it was all because of him. After all, he was the one who seemed to always get in trouble with the prefects. Right... damn! He shouldn't have asked or said anything! Kaname and Ichijou both gave him tight smiles; he didn't miss the slightly narrowing of Kaname's eyes. That meant trouble for him later! Kill him!

Aido threw a glance towards his cousin who sighed in return. Okay, now this meant that he had to deal with it along. And how did he understand that exactly:

Akatsuki Signals:

Signal-1: a smile with narrowed eyes, bedroom punishment! [oohh]

Signal-2: Shaking of head, he was not alone in the detention with the headmaster or the old level-B teacher! Yay!

Signal-3: Sigh, Fuck off and deal with it alone! You bought this shit upon yourself.

Signal-4: Stare, I told you this was a bad idea but fine whatever, I am in it anyway.

Signal-5: Knuckles cracked; he was going to be a roasted vampire!

Come on! How could Kain at a time like this!?


Sometime later, after Kaname took a place and settled, the class began as usual as how it would go on any normal day. The boring teacher dragged on with his lessons and no one, literally no one was interested in learning mathematics. Who would be?

Kaname stared out the window from his desk; he had chosen the one nearest to the window so that he can look at Zero once he finally meets him. He was so desperate to meet him after four long years; he wanted to see how he had grown up. Was he same as how he was when he got him here to Cross, still so small and innocent? And Yuki, what has happened to the girl he had known as a child? The earlier conversation was still buzzing in his head.


"I will have you know, Nii-san that Zero wants nothing to do with you or any other pureblood than me. And if you try to get close to him then consider this a warning. I will cut you down, I don't care if you are my brother or the king and I won't hesitate to stop you. I won't let you hurt him or let you take him away from me."

"What are you..."

"It's been four years, Nii-san things have changed and so have the people. What you did back then was not right and that's why I won't let you complete what you have started. This world, this age doesn't need another pureblood. Nor does it need you, First."

Kaname gaped at the girl he considered his sister. Did he hear that right? Did she really call him first!? How!?

Yuki smiled at him though her eyes were filled with hate and knowingness. She turned around and began walking away, leaving Kaname with his thoughts, she threw a last look at him and went to find Zero who she was sure would be pissed off for leaving him to patrol alone.


He couldn't believe that the secret he had been trying to keep for the vampires and everyone else for so long was in the hands of his youngest descendant. But how was she able to find it out? There is no way that she snooped around the ancestral property of the Kuran's because if she had then he would have known instantly. And the fact that she also knew about what had had happened on that night four years ago was also surprising. He knew that Cross won't be able to keep it from Yuki but he doesn't really know about how much of that truth Yuki has been told.

Damn. He never thought it would get this difficult. He had Yuki standing in his way, completely awakened as a pureblood, bursting with all the powers of a matured vampire. And he cannot forget she had the scent of a hunter on her too. Was she also being trained as a hunter? No, he can't have that. He has to do something about this situation and fast.


An update for Werewolf Knight will be posted tomorrow or the day after so look forward to it!

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