The Change

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'Run, my child, run!' She yelled. She couldn't get up, her legs were crushed under the broken wall of their once sweet home.

She was unable to protect her son from the vampire. Her husband was already dead and her son was going to be killed too. And she couldn't do anything about, she couldn't help but watch her son being killed by the rogue pureblood. She just wished that death would come and embrace her now. She was dying, she knew she was just going to bleed to her death but she had to save her son! Now!

Taking her deep last breath, she started chanting an old spell that could hold the rogue pureblood and give time to her son to run away. But before she could finish it, the pureblood had already bitten her son!

Her son, he was screaming, wanting his mother to come and save him! But she couldn't, she felt so pathetic, she couldn't save her son. Tears of helplessness ran down her face.

"Stop, Shizuka. It's enough." a voice so smooth and calming said. And somehow the woman under the wall felt that there was hope. Maybe this stranger who seemed to have stopped Shizuka Hio, could save her son, even though she knew that this could also turn out to be the worst for her son and she shouldn't trust him but couldn't help it.

"Why are you here, young king? I am taking revenge for the murder of my lover. And you shouldn't interrupt." Shizuka said in a menacing voice which could put anyone on their deathbed but it didn't affect the young boy who seemed to be in his fourteens.

The said boy moved towards the boy that Shizuka was holding off the ground. He pulled him out of her grasp and gently laid his head on his lap as he crouched down on the ground. The boy seemed like he was only twelve. He carefully wiped the blood on the side of his neck and tried to get a better look at the bite wound. It seemed that the fangs weren't able to pierce deep into his neck and it wasn't enough to change him. 'Good. He is just passed out.' the older of the two boys thought. He gently patted his cheek to wake him up.

The little boy slowly opened his eyes, only to make the older one gape as he stared into the beautiful lilac coloured eyes which seemed endlessly deep. And with the moonlight shining down them, it gave the little boy a complete angelic beauty with his silver-coloured hair that draped around him like a halo.

"Beautiful... " the older one whispered. "What's your name, little one? " he asked him sweetly. The boy finally found his surrounding and scrambled away from the other boy, trembling furiously. "Shh....... Worry not I won't hurt you. Come here, its alright. You will be fine." the boy slowly, carefully moved closer to the older one. The other boy held out his hand for him to take which the little one did. "What's your name?" he tried again. "Z-zero K-k-kiryu." the beautiful silver head said softly. "Well Zero, I am Kaname Kuran. Do you know what happened here?" Kaname asked. He glanced around to see Shizuka staring at him curiously, waiting for him to do something. And that was when he noticed another silver head who was the mirror image of the boy beside him, sticking to Shizuka and hiding his face in her long waist length hair. Twins...? Kaname was truly confused now. One boy standing securely beside Shizuka and the other boy scared of her. Why?

He then moved his vision to the house and saw a woman, maybe their mother, lying crushed under a wall. She was weeping quietly, might be praying for her sons' safety. His gaze returned to the boy that he had moved to his lap, still holding his hand tightly as if seeking comfort and security. To Kaname, Zero felt so small sitting in his lap and one of his little hands clenching his shirt.

He stood up with Zero in his arms and carried him to his mother. He knew as long as he was here, Shizuka wouldn't dare to move. Even though he was younger than her (not really after all he was a ten thousand years old vampire. Only his body was in its younger form.......We all know) he was a lot stronger than her and could easily turn her into dust. It will barely take him a minute.

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