The Wait

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Meanwhile, Kaien went to close the front door and he was shocked to see Kaname standing there(who was no longer in his younger form). "Kaname-kun, what brings you here?" he asked, his voice full of surprise. Kaien was shocked to see Kaname suddenly so grown up and mature. And without a word, he reverted back to his younger form.

"I need to talk to you about something very important. Privately. It is about Zero Kiryu." Kaname said looking (oh-sexy-) serious. Kaien nodded and led him to his office, he was quite surprised to say anything, he wanted to ask Kaname about why was he looking like an adult but didn't. 'Is it about Zero being bitten? Wait, he is not turned...? Then what?' Kaien thinks.'What must be so important that Kaname-kun came here all the way.' he lost himself in the thought that he didn't notice Kaname staring at him. Kaname cleared his throat to get Kaien's attention back on him. "Agh..Ah... Kaname-kun, p-please have a seat. What is it that you wanted to talk about?" he asked, offering the pureblood a seat. "Of course. But before, please tell me, how is Yuki doing? I've been too busy lately that I couldn't come to see her." he asked, politely.

"Oh! Yuki-chan is doing great and I must say she is adjusting quite well for a child her age." Kaien replied, smiling and thinking about Yuki. That sweet girl.

"Well, that is great. I am happy for her. Anyways, this is not what I wanted to talk about. Its about Zero." Kaname said, smiling softly thinking about Zero and how the younger boy so quickly captured his heart. Even Yuki didn't make him feel this warm and light.

"Of course." Kaien said and nodded. He urged Kaname to begin."Zero is a pureblood." He dropped the bomb on Kaien. And Kaien, well his eyes bulged out. Comically. There you have it, the idiotic Cross.

"Wha-wha-what!? Ho-how? Isn't he a hunter!?" Kaien was too confused. He was going to lose it. 'How can he be a pureblood and still be a hunter child!?' he thought, out loud and Kaname heard it. "I turned him into one and then sealed his pureblood side off. Though its still evolving slowly. It can take minutes or hours or days or months and even year." He said, putting an end to Kaien's confusion. Kaien give him a look as if asking why did he turn him. "I chose him to be mate. Or more like my beast recognised him as my equal and significant other. He is the future queen. My mate." Kaname explained. And the last part, he had said it quite possessively which Kaien noticed. "I see... Then was it you who kill his family?" Kaien asked, looking at him a bit accusingly. "No, it was not me. It was Shizuka. But I did kill his mother. Accidently." he said and added the last word. Kaien's harsh stare lessened and he asked, "What about his memories? And how well is his body adapting to it?" He was smart, he knew the dangers of changing someone in to a pureblood. And it is even more dangerous if the one being changed is not even a vampire.

"I sealed his memories and gave him fake memories so that it seems like Shizuka was after all this. And his body is doing well too, since he is still very young, it will be easier. But he will still be very delicate. He experience lot of health problems because his pureblood will be dormant inside and can cause major problems. I want you to always watch over him. Treat him as if he is some flower, a glass doll that can break easily. Keep him away for all the dark things, protect his innocence and purity. Let no harm came to him." as Kaname said that, Kaien read the true meaning of his words. Kaname wanted Zero to be treasured, he truly cared for him and adored him. His beast has recognised him as his soulmate. Not just mate.

It was a soft, tender feeling.... It was love, Kaien understood it. The young king was in love. "Very well, if thats how you want it to be than thats how it will be. Worry not, no harm will ever come to him. I will do my best to protect the one you love." Kaname was a little taken aback when Cross said 'the one you love.' He felt a strange kind of warmth entering his body, soothing his beast. Well, Kaname knew that Kaien would catch it soon or later and thats why he trust his Zero to him. Yes, that's right, His Zero.

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