The Flash

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"Yuki-chan!!" Cross shouted in joy and tried to glomp the girl in a hug. She moved away just in time such that Cross fell on the top of Zero who was standing behind Yuki. He fell with a loud thud and hurt his back. He cried out in pain. Immediately Cross got up and pulled Zero up with him. "Zero! Oh god! Are you okay!? Is your back hurting!?" Cross asked/yelled, shaking the dear boy.

"Cross, I am fine. Okay? I am not a girl." Zero said, moving away from Cross. Zero didn't like being treated like a girl, as if he could be hurt that easily.

In these four years, Cross and even Yuki had become very (over) protective of the boy. And Yuki had found out about Zero's secret which Zero didn't know about himself. Well that was because Cross was reckless and had blurted it out when he was talking to Kaname and Yuki who coincidently had been standing out his office, heard it. She confronted him about it and refused to back down when Cross brushed her off with a lie. So without Kaname's permission, he told Yuki everything about Zero's past. But left out the part of being able to carry a child.

And since then, Zero became.... *cough*....*cough*...... Princess of the house. Neither Cross or Yuki had allowed him to sustained even a single cut, let alone an injury. At first, he was mad but soon he grew used to it.(poor baby.... Had no other choice..... *bleh* just joking...) Even though, from time to time it gets annoying but somehow he handles it. Tries to at least.

Yuki, ever since she was told about Zero and what Kaname had asked for Cross to do, had an unknown desire to protect the boy. To her, he was like an innocent, cute little brother. And after hearing what Kaname had actually done to the boy, she started disliking him, Kaname. She didn't wanted him return anymore because she felt that if he returned then he will take Zero away from her. She felt that Kaname was wrong, that he would make Zero's life miserable.

At first, this desire felt wrong to her but slowly it was alright. She started loving it, the desire to protect someone improtant. And since last year, she has been having flashes of her past. She was having her memories back, which were sealed by her mother.

She realized it a little later that she was actually a pureblood too and on the top of that a Kuran. She was receiving her powers back and she had talked to Cross about it and he was shocked to see the seal breaking. She had then asked him to put a charm on her so that no one will realize that she is a pureblooded vampire. She would be able to protect Zero because she was now more power than before.

(A/N: I made it such that the seal on Yuki could break when weakened instead of being bitten by a pureblood. And also since I hate Yuki's short height and oh-so-sweet personality, I am making her a little out of character and have given her some height such that she is taller than Zero and same height as Kaname. And that's if I am not wrong then, 6'0.)

"Cross, you didn't have to jump at me, that would have kept Zero from falling and hurting his back. Really, stop being childish." Yuki said as she lightly glared at Cross and checked Zero for any injury.

Cross the ever childish, faked tears and started ranting about his daughter not loving him anymore and hugged Zero. "Zero-chan, Yuki-kun is being mean to me again!! *waaahhhh* daddy will cry!!" Zero sighed and patted Cross's head and then slowly pulled out of the hug."Yuki, its fine. I am not hurt. See? So stop being so rude and mean to him. Okay?" he said and smiled softly. Both Yuki and Cross melted at the sight and awed.

Zero moved to the couch and sat down there. He turned his neck 'round to face them and used hand gestured to motion them to sit too. Yuki sat next to Zero and placed her head in his lap and his hand on her head, signaling him to pamper her which he did.

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