Clueless : Jacob Perez Story

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// Cast Call //

Name :

Age : (13-14)


Kyla's Point Of View

Beverly Hills , California

"Thanks Langston." I smiled at my chauffeur before scurrying off into my house.

"Mother I'm home!" I dropped my backpack and headed upstairs into her room.

Of course it took me a while to get there , saying we live in an awfully huge house , but I arrived there this time without breaking a sweat.

"Mom-" I was cut off by her raising her finger , silencing me. She looked deep in conversation in the phone , for whatever reason I wouldn't know of course , but she was very determined to get every detail.

She nodded before sighing and hanging up the phone. I waited a few minutes to be recognized , when finally she told me to come in.

I skipped over to her bed and quietly sat at the end of it . Neither of us spoke for a few minutes until I determined it was a little too silent.

"Mom I came in to tell you I couldn't wait to start high school this year." I smiled showing off my pink braces.

"That's nice dear but-"

"All of my friends said they're going as well isn't that great?"

"Yes but-"

"This is the best thing mom ! On the first week they say freshman get to tour the building , including the junior and senior building ! Isn't that -"

"Kyla listen!" My mom interrupted me by shouting .

I jumped at her sudden outburst and hushed quickly .

"Look." She sighed."That was just the court calling . "

I was now bummed . I already knew what she was talking about , but then I realized . Why would I be bummed ? It's not like she just gave me up or anything .

"And ?"

"And they said all the custody rights now go to your father."

"WHAT?" I yelled springing up from the bed.

"Now Kyla listen-"

"NO! How dare he take me in all of a sudden ? He didn't care about me!"

"Kyla listen to-"

"He probably isn't even stable enough to take care of me like you can! Why wouldn't you fight for me ? Why ?" I cried and fell back onto her bed.

"I'm so so so sorry Kyla but there isn't much more that I can do . Even though we're more fortunate than he is , our lawyer wasn't as good as his . I don't even know what they saw in your father , but now he has all rights towards you. "

I looked down as she took my head in the palm of her hands."But that doesn't mean you have to stop coming here or calling everyday to let me know how you're doing . Okay ?" She kissed my forehead .

"Yeah okay." I sighed wiping away my tears .

The following week or so passed quickly as my mother went off to court , schools , and anything else she had to have set for me. I wasn't even sure where my dad stood but I'm pretty sure it's far from here.

Then the day came for me to go . It was the end of Summer and the beginning of a new life.

Beverly Hills , Airport

"Remember Tyana's going to be with you , and call me when you touch down."

"Wait , where am I going."

"Atlanta. Just ask Tyana for the address she knows everything."

For those of you who are wondering , Tyana's a good family friend who works as a flight attendant. It just so happens that she stays in Atlanta I guess , so it's kind of like I have a piece of home.

"Mom , do I have to go?" I whined grabbing onto her.

"Flight 52 to Atlanta , Georgia is now boarding ."

"Okay it's time for you to go." She sighed hugging on to me tightly .

"When will I see you again?" I whispered .

"I don't know." She cried."The courts arranging the dates as we speak so that could be until another four or so weeks."

I sighed letting go of her as we both shed tears . I picked up my suitcases and headed towards the doors giving the woman my ticket. I looked back at my mom and waved one last time before she disappeared into the crowd.

I can't believe I'm leaving the woman I've been with all of my life.


// Cast Call //

Name :

Age : (13-14)

^^ Don't forget and I'm so sorry it was short , I got confused with the book that was originally supposed to be published but ....*sighs* Yeah , just please sign up . :D k bye.

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