Chapter 1 : New Girl In Town

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I want to give a big thanks to everyone who signed up for the cast call. :D


Kyla's Point Of View

Atlanta , Georgia

I wake up from a bad dream to feel Tyana shaking me.

"Come on sweetie it's time to go." She smiles carrying her luggage.

I sit up groaning while grabbing my things and rubbing my eyes . I'm seriously so tired right now.


Once we finally reach her car , someone is driving but I don't pay too much attention to them , and I fall asleep right in the back seat.

Again I was awaken by Tyana shaking me only this time she was calling my name as well.

"Hmm ?" I moaned and rolled out of the car." Um , where are my things?"

"Oh , Chresanto brought it in." She smiled and I nodded.

I kind of remember him , but we haven't seen each other since we were like ...9. He should be 14 now , same age as me.

We stepped into the house but it was nothing like I remembered it. I guess they redecorated.

"Um , so where's Greg?" I asked sitting down.

"You mean your dad?" Tyana giggles and I nod.

"Yeah, him." I roll my eyes.

"Well I called him before we boarded and he said he'd be working until 11 tonight, so you'll just be chilling by us until then."

"Cool." I shrug and look around again.

That's when Chresanto comes downstairs. He's nothing like I remember him to be honest . He used to be chubby , with braids twisted to the back , and huge lips. Now he's grown into his looks . His lips fit his face , he isn't as chubby anymore , and his hair is slicked into a ponytail.

"Aye , next time you use the bathroom keep all of yo' girly stuff on YOUR side." He throws a bra at Tyana's face.

"Shut up !" She rolls her eyes. "Don't you see we have a guest ? Speak little rude nigga."

"Who her ? She ain't nobody special ." He smirks and comes to give me a hug."Hey Kyla , I haven't seen you .." He looks me up and down."In a while." He flashes a quick smile and I can still see the same gap he's been having.

"Boy sit down!" Tyana smacks his head and he chuckles.

"Kyla know I'm just messing with her, she like my lil cuz."

"Mhmm , well look I have to go to work." Tyana stands up and heads upstairs."Foods in the fridge."

"I thought she worked at the airport , you know , as a flight attendant." I look at Chres.

"She do , but she gotta have another job to provide for the both of us." He shrugged.

My mom told me a little about the two a while back. When Tyana was just 15 years old and Chres was 7 , both of their parents died in a car accident. Ever since then they'd been on their own until my mom found them sleeping on a bench. She bathed them , fed them , and even got Tyana a job and a house . Now that she's 22 she has custody over Chres , and they've been pretty set ever since .

"Oh." I nodded feeling the awkwardness sink in . Luckily his phone rang just in time for it to fade away.

I eagerly pulled mine out walking out of the living room to get a little privacy. The ringing continued until I heard my mothers voice eagerly answer.

"Kyla , are you in trouble? What's wrong , I'll fly down there as soon as possible." She answered.

"Mom , oh nothing's wrong at all. I just figured I should call you , you know , to let you know I landed safe."

"Oh." she sighed in relief."That's great baby . Well how are you?"

"Fine for now. Greg isn't home so I'm staying by Tyana until then."

"Tell her thanks by the way. Is Chresanto there as well? I haven't seen that boy since he was little."

"Yeah he's here . He doesn't look too different and trust me has hasn't change." I chuckled and she snickered.

"Now I know it'll be awkard living down there with them but don't go messing around with him Kyla."

"Trust me mom I won't be doing any of that . I barely wanna be down here , plus he's like a brother to me."

"Okay , don't let me here anything about you not behaving. Just because you're out of your usual element doesn't mean you have to act wild."

"I won't , I promise mom."

"Well okay I have to go sweetie , work is ringing up my phone."

"Okay , bye mom , love you."

"Love you too baby." I can tell she smiled before hanging up the phone and leaving me to hear Chres finish off his conversation .

I stepped back into the living room to see Tyana leaving out & Chres grabbing his jacket.

"Aye Kyla I'm about to go, you wanna come?" Chres grabbed a pair of keys.

"Sure , where are we going?" I followed him out of the house.

"To my friend's house." He got on his motorcycle.


"What's wrong? You scared of this bike girl?" He laughed.

"Yeah, how about we walk?"

"It's two blocks."

"I'll take that chance."

He shrugged taking the keys out of the ignition and we walked on to his friend's house.


The Lopez residence , 128 Chalkway Dr.

After what felt like 3 whole hours , exaggerated of course , we were finally at his friend's house. I wasn't very comfortable saying I was wearing a skirt , a button down white shirt , and a pair of Mary Jane's , but I doubt we'll we doing anything.

"Aye wassup y'all?" He dapped his friends hands . They nodded back towards him until they caught me standing behind him.

"Oh , this my friend Kyla , but you might as well call her my second sister . Kyla this is Rayan & Craig , they my home boys." Chresanto gestured between the three of us.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you two." I smiled.

"Sup?" They both nodded towards me.

For me it was kind of awkward , saying I was the only girl , but that kinda switched up when a girl walked up to the house.

"Aye !" She hugged the boys as they all screamed obnoxiously .

"Oh , Kyla this my friend Skyy , Skyy this my lil' sister Kyla." Chresanto introduce me one more.

"Nigga you ain't never tell me you had a sister." She put her hands on her hip.

"Well technically she ain't my sister , she's more like an old friend , but she's like my sister." He shrugged and she nodded.

"So you coming to our school ?" She asked sitting right next to me.

"Um , yeah."

She looked me up and down for a split second.

"And will you be dressing like , this , all the time?"

I kind of got offended by her choice of tone but by the look on her face I could tell she meant no harm.

"Well I was planning to." I shrugged looking down at my skirt.

"I suggest you not to , but it's whatever you're comfortable with." She shrugged.

We all had little conversations here & there , some I wasn't that interested in , and some that were mainly about me. But before I knew it , it was time for us to go.

"Bye y'all , I'll see y'all at school. " Chres waved at them before we disappeared down the block.


The August residence , 88 London Dr.

Once we finally made it to Chresanto's house again , a car was parked in the driveway . We walked towards the door as they climbed out the car.

"Kyla ? Kyla is that you ?" A manly voice I didn't quite recognize called out.

I turned around to see a man I hadn't seen a while , a man who left me when I was just a baby.

"Y-Yeah , I-It's me." I stuttered as he approached me to give me a hug . I didn't hug him a back though . Why ? Because I was more enraged than excited .

"You've surely grown up. I haven't seen you since you were just a baby." He smiled looking down at me.

I looked away from him uncomfortably and looked behind me to see Chres standing in the doorway.

"Chres can you help me with my bags ?" I pulled out of Greg's embrace.

"Sure." We both disappeared into the house leaving my dad behind.


Greg's Place , Apartment 56 Wenchester St.

I sighed placing my luggage down onto the carpeted floor , looking around at the snug apartment .

"Uh , I know it isn't much but I'm working on it , hehe." He closed the door behind us.

I stepped in a little more as he passed me up walking down the hall. He showed me my room , which contained my own bathroom , and his room if I needed him. I looked at the kitchen and living room that was connected and the terrace out back.

I sat my luggage down on my bed and sat down .

"If there's anything you want to eat-"

"No thank you." I cut him off folding my arms.

"Uh ....well alright . Night." He closed the door behind him as I rolled my eyes.

I pulled my phone out and went to a contact I've been dying to see for the last three or so hours.

My Mom.


Don't worry I'm not done grabbing you out of the cast call list . 👋😁 There's still school , haha. The link of some of the characters is in the comments .

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