Chapter 8 : Party Disaster [ Part 2 ]

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Hi , to all of the people who signed up in the beginning , don't be afraid if you haven't seen your name yet . You're all going to be squeezed in . By the way I'm sorry for the delay :(

Kyla's Point Of View

I sit in the house watching De'jah dab at Chresanto's eye. He winced everyone now and then as she shushed him.

"Chres what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking I was lookin' out for you . I told you he wasn't no good."

"Yeah." I sighed. "I know."

I watched as Chres turned over on his back . He removed his shirt and
De'jah sat on his lower back. I smile cocking my head to the side as she proceeded to massage his back.

"De'jah can I speak to you alone for a minute?"

"Mhm girl." She hopped off of his back and followed me up to his room.

I shut the door behind us and turned to her grinning while folding my arms over my chest.

"What?" She spat.

"De'jah I know you like Chres."

"No I dont."

"Yes you do , I can see it in your eyes. Every time he speaks your eyes are glued to his lips and you were just massaging him after a battle. "

"It was just a fight , I always do this." she shrugs laughing.

"SEE ! You're grinning from ear to ear . C'mon De'Jah , give it a try!" I nudge her arm.

"Whatever Kyla , you have one wild imagination." She smirks walking back down to him.

If you're wondering Chresanto and Jacob got suspended for three days . My kind hearted mind was telling me to call and check up on Jacob , so I did. I snuck off into the bathroom as Chres & De'Jah engaged into conversation.

I waited after two rings and he answered.


"Hi ... um ... it's Kyla .. I was just calling to apolo-"

"For what ? You ain't do nothing wrong . It was bad on my part to spike yo' drink . Im ashamed of myself actually . I'm sorry."

"...... I guess it's okay .. How are you holding up?"

"I'm straight I guess. It would make me feel even better if you came over though."

"Oh Jacob I don't know , I mean I'm supposed to be getting home soon and-"

"No . I-It's okay , I'll just uh .. go to bed."

I sighed removing the phone from my ear . I can't believe I'm about to do this.

"I guess I could come over for a few minutes ... JUST for a little while though."

" Alright , I'll see you soon." He hung up.

I sighed leaving out of the bathroom to see Chres and De'Jah still talking.

"Hey De'Jah can you drop me off somewhere?"

"Mhmm where ?" She grabbed Chresanto's keys."I'll be back C."

"Alright." He laid out on the couch and cut on the tv.


"You wanna go where?" She knitted her eyebrows at me.

"Look I don't want to be lectured again , I'm only going to see if he's alright."

"Chresanto is going to kill you ." She shook her head turning the corner.

"No he won't because he won't know . De'Jah you have to promise not to tell him."

"Whatever whatever." She sped up pass a yellow light and turned another corner .


I stand at his doorstep and knock three times. I wait patiently as the door unlocks and Jacob's mother appears.

"Oh aren't you the nice little girl from the last time?"

"Yeah." I waved shyly.

Jacob came from behind her with a face full of bruises. He looked behind me as De'Jah started the car up and sped off.

"Well come on in sweetie I was just making dinner." His mother smiled moving into the house.

I shrugged and move in with Jacob closing the door behind us.

"You guys can go on to the room if you'd like , I'll call you two when dinner is ready ! " She yelled from the kitchen.

"Okay MA !" Jacob yelled leading me to his room.

"You know to say we aren't dating I've been in your house waayy too often." I joke sitting on his bed.

"That could change." He grins.

I snap into reality and scrunch my eyebrows at him." Speaking of that , what was up with the kiss ."

"Kiss ? What kiss ?"

"You know , when we left the bowling alley."

"Oh that kiss." He nods."What about it?"

"Why did you do it?"

"I thought it was pretty obvious that I liked you." He scoffed shrugging.

"Y-you do?"

"Yeah." he shrugs again like I'm the idiot in this situation.

"Oh.." I fiddle around with the things on the floor.

Soon his mother calls us to eat and we sit at the table . We quickly say our grace and dig in.

"Mrs.Perez this is great." I smile.

"Thank you Kyla , but it's okay if you call me Teresa."

"Okay .. Teresa." I smile finishing up my plate.

"So how long have you and Jacob been knowing each other?" She asks sipping her tea.

"Since the beginning of the school year . "

"That's nice and is school treating you two well?"

"Eh." Jacob shrugs fixing him another plate.

"It's great actually . Better than I expected at least."

"Oh honey what do you mean by that?"

"Ma." Jacob groans throwing his head back.

"No it's fine." I giggle."Um I was recently transferred over to my father , you know after he gained custody of me , so yeah.."

"I know I'm sounding really pushy and nosy right now but where were you from?"

"Beverly Hills , California."

"Wooow . Well welcome to Atlanta." She grinned.


After dinner I made sure to text my dad that I'd be home soon. I sat on Jacobs bed swinging my legs back and forth.

"You're mother is really nice." I nodded.

"Yeah , I love her to death." He smiles plopping face down into the bed. He turns over and pats the spot next to him. I hesitate before shrugging , kicking off my shoes , and crawling next to him. "Movie or nah?"

"Yeah that's fine." I nod.

He turns on his tv and goes to his Netflix .

"Oh wait Jacob this looks scary." I stop him.

"Oh come on . Dont tell me you're afraid ." He grins looking down at me.

"N-no I'm not ."

"Alright." He chuckles putting the movie on.

15 minutes into the movie I'm already jumping and squealing and hiding underneath Jacob's covers. Each time all he does is laugh and pull me closer. Im pratically being cradled into Jacob's arms when I feel my eyes growing heavy. I try to keep popping them open jumping in the process until I feel my body give up and I fall asleep.


My phone ringing wakes me up but by the time I grab for it , it comes to a stop. I moan sitting up feelinga tight force grab me back down. I tense up and see Jacob sound alseep with his arms wrapped firmly around me. I quietly remove his hands from around me and slip my shoes back on.

5 Missed calls from De'Jah

10 Missed calls from Tyana

18 Missed calls from Chres

27 Missed calls from Dad

I sigh and shake Jacob up out of his sleep . He groans waking up squinting his eyes in the sunlight . Their really gorgeous in the morning sunlight.

"Like what you see ?" He laughs getting out of bed.

I blush and look down. He goes into the bathroom , freshens up and comes back out with a toothbrush and face towel for me. I freshen up and come back out.

"Can you drop me off home please ? There's really no use in going to school."

"Yeah , let me just let my mom know we're leaving." He says disappearing out of the room.


Greg's Place , Apartment 56 Wenchester St.

When we pull up to the apartment Jacob stops me again . He pulls me closer and we both slowly lean in.


"Ugh !" I groan walking into my room.

We kissed again ! I mean I'm trying to listen to what everyone's telling me about him but besides the whole party accident I can't see what they see. I see a swet guy who just had some bumps in the road . But who knows I mean I've only know him for a couple of weeks.

knock knock

"Come in." I groan.

My dad steps shutting the door behind him quietly.

"So you ... were out?"

"Yeah I'm sorry , I went over to a friends and lost track of time. It was a mistake and I promise it won't happen again."

"It's cool just text me or something next time .. I got really worried."

"Sorry ." I smile as he prepares to leave out."Hey dad!"

"Yeah?" He turns around .

"Thanks." I smile.

"For what?"

"For worrying about me. I mean , I thought you didn't care."

"I do care , Kyla I always have."

"Well how come you left us?"

He sighed and shook his head ." Kyla I feel like if I tell you , you'll look at me differently."

"I won't . I promise." I turned to him giving him my full attention.

He sighed sitting on my bed looking down at the floor.

"When you're mother was pregant with you we weren't really ..... financially stable . We lived in a apartment a little worse then this , we had fast food jobs and we basically were young and foolish . One day I realized I had to step up and try to be a man . I was going to be a father and if I got lucky , a husband . With that being said I would have to take care of the both of you . So I did what any other young stupid male would do . I started saling drugs . And when you start selling drugs you usually get addicted , so I became on drugs."

I gasped as he nodded clearly ashamed.

"When you're mother found out we got into this huge heated argument . She broke up with me , beat me and kicked me out . I remember her yelling 'I'm not allowing you to see my daughter until you're clean you crackhead!' " He sighed letting a tear roll down his face. "I was only trying to make the money for the both of you . Things just kind of spiraled out of control. " He explained." Two years later I came back completely clean . I got my life together for the both of you. But when I went to the apartment ... she wasn't there . I spent 5 months of searching to find you guys until I finally found you in Beverly Hills. " He sighed." Anyways , I um asked if we could start over , you know , on a clean plate . She told me 'If you don't leave out of me and my daughters life forever she won't live to see another day.'"

"No ! What ? You're lying !" I yell.

He leaves out of my room and five minutes later he comes back with a lot of papers and photos.

"Read these." he hands them over to me.

I skim through most of them and their a lot of house fires , shootings , and smoke bombs . All involving me.

"Each of those articles are when I tried to get near you . It was a miracle you survived all of them . Now do you understand why I took you in?"

"Yeah but - but this doesn't make any sense ! I couldn't have been living with a physco all of my life ! I dont have any memory of any of this!"

"You were too young to understand." He sighs." Im sorry Kyla , I honestly am."

"No - N- No . It isn't your fault. I'm gonna need a lot of answers this weekend." I shake my head wiping away my tears.


( The Weekend ; Beverly Hills , California )

The Richard Residence , 34th Lane Dr.

"OH MY GOD ! KYLA !!!" Jessica screams as we clash into one another . Dont judge me , I've missed my best friend. "You've missed so much !" She smiles.

"Yeah I know." I giggled looking around.

"Well come in silly !" She smiled pulling me into her home.

All of my school friends were there , well my old school friends .

"Oh hey Kyla , where ya' been?" A girl asks me.

"Im in Atlanta now."

"Oh cool . Is it fun down there ?" A boy asks

"Yeah ! I've actually met some cool people ." I nod.

"Not as cool as us though right ? I mean they're really tacky down there don't you think?" Jessica toots up her nose.

"Don't talk about my friends like that ! You haven't even met them before !" I spat .

"Okay okay , get your panties out of a knot Kyla . I was just joking ."

"Well don't play like that ! Don't go judging nobody - I mean don't judge anyone you don't know." I roll my eyes walking away.

I didn't come here to argue with my best friend . I came here to tell her happy birthday and investigate my house .

During the party I snuck away down the block to my house . When I walked in the door was unlocked . I missed home to be honest . When the sweet aroma of wedding cake hit my nose I almost melted . Mom always kept nice candles lit all around the house .

I snuck up to my room and it was the same way I left it . I fell on the bed as if it was snow and just rolled around in it . I stopped realizing I was getting distracted and headed for my moms room. I searched through all of her drawers , until I stopped at her closet . I started tearing down clothes and hangers , anything in my way when I stopped at a vault .

"Think. Think . Think." I whispered when I felt someone grab my shoulder.

I screamed turning around to just reveal out butler.

"Mrs.Dione !" He grinned."You're back !"

"Just for a little while." I chuckled nervously.

"Well...why are you in your mothers closet?" He looked around.

I sighed and grabbed his shoulders looking him in the eye.

"Did you know anything about my mother trying to harm me as a child?"

"Mrs.Dione I don't know-"

I growled and squinted my eyes at him meaning I meant business.

He sighed and nodded.

"Then I need you to help me find the evidence. Where would that be?"

"I don't think you need that."

"Why not?"

"You're already in your fathers custody."

"Right . Right ." I nodded."Well does she own any court papers ? I don't think I ever wanna come back here." I shake my head.

He moves me aside putting the combination in the vault . It pops open revealing the court dates an a few credit cards. He hands me everything in it and puts it into one of the shopping bags.

"Here . This is basically all you will need. Her credit card number is 3401 . Remember that okay?"


"Got it." I nod.

He smiles tearing up and embraces me a warm hug.

"Im gonna miss you kid."

"Im gonna miss you guys too." I rub his back letting go.

"Now hurry and run along before you're mother arrives."

I nod and dash down the hall . I make a quick stop at my room grabbing anything I think I would need and dash down the stairs and out the door.

What a life I'm living huh ?


And it'll only get better from here ....or worst . ;) Hopefully I can update more frequently now that I'm almost finish with another book on my main page .

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